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MEMBER PROFILE: Perrin Rynning--


11/19/2023 3:28:00 PM
Shrink Your Prostate, Change Your Sex? /figure A guy taking medicine to prevent Prostatitis has
11/19/2023 3:28:00 PM
Undoing the Unkindest Cut /figure A sexually-active man wonders if he can improve his sex life b
11/19/2023 3:22:00 PM
Developed A Kink His efforts at enhancing his erections have met with great success. He's harder,
11/19/2023 3:19:00 PM
Training To Fail /figure A long-time masturbator has discovered that sex with a willing partner
11/19/2023 3:18:00 PM
Se eking Family Sexual Health xual Health /figure She's come to the right place for help on he
11/19/2023 3:18:00 PM
Stress Trumps His Healthy Choices /figure He's playing a strong hand: sensible eating habits, re
11/19/2023 3:18:00 PM
What Is Your Pain Telling You? /figure An experienced masturbator has discovered that the bill f
11/19/2023 3:18:00 PM
How To Wait For It Premature ejaculation is a very pressing concern for many men. Read on, get th
11/19/2023 3:18:00 PM
Maybe She Can't Feel It /figure A loving husband wants to please his wife the way she requests.
11/19/2023 3:18:00 PM
Growing a Curve /figure He's discovered a masturbation technique that works very well for him, b
11/19/2023 3:18:00 PM
It Doesn't Pump Up Like That A veteran masturbator has experimented with a penis pump, but the th
11/19/2023 3:17:00 PM
Park Maintenance Prevents Pain Fifteen years of masturbation has left him with premature ejaculat
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
Personal Hair-Ecology It doesn't make sense on the surface: masturbation is supposed to relax you
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
Breaking A Habit To Build Stamina /figure He's given up alcohol and tobacco, trading them for exe
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
Don't Pump That Up Like That He was a careful shopper, reading review after review for many diffe
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
Urinary Quandary A 15-year veteran masturbator finds that, even if he has a wife to help him with
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
Much Worse The Second Time Around This fellow has learned first-hand and to his sorrow that takin
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
Pain In The Back From Beating The Front Here's an 18-year-old guy who's been masturbating to the
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
The Wrong Kind Of Exercise /figure Here's a guy who's enjoyed an active and fulfilling sex life
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
Young Gun Burning His Pistol Out /figure Here's a young man who has discovered the joy of mastur
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
Slow Down, Captain Speedy /figure His sexual experiences are over long before hers have truly be
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
Virgin Husband Wants Stamina /figure Following proper procedures, this guy has achieved a long,
11/19/2023 3:16:00 PM
It's Coming Back Wrong /figure He's got morning wood back, but his erection isn't as big as it w
11/19/2023 3:15:00 PM
W earing It Out Has Worn It Down /figure Over-masturbation has reduced him to almost half of wh
11/19/2023 3:15:00 PM
Regrown One Thing, Wants To Regrow Another A grateful fan of shared his success wi
11/19/2023 3:15:00 PM
Seeking Stamina In The Wrong Place /figure He had premature ejaculation and turned to masturbati
11/19/2023 3:15:00 PM
Starts Weak, Finishes Too Fast Weak erections or premature ejaculation or both, this guy's got do
11/19/2023 3:15:00 PM
Childbirth Changed Their Lives Too Much This couple took the sensible path and used birth control
11/19/2023 3:15:00 PM
Permanently Boosting The Rocket /figure He's tried to exercise his penis in the name of achievin
11/19/2023 3:15:00 PM
Birth Control Causes Heavy Flow /figure This young lady started taking birth control during her
11/19/2023 3:15:00 PM
Not So Bad... Or Is It? Here's a guy who's been abusing himself for years: marijuana, alcohol and
11/19/2023 3:15:00 PM
Thyroid Problems Decrease Your Stamina In Many Ways A young man diagnosed with a thyroid conditio
11/19/2023 3:14:00 PM
Strong Trunk, Weakened Root The skin on his penis has somehow become larger than his erection, ca
11/19/2023 3:13:00 PM
Trying To Explain The Dangers /figure A loving husband wants to please his wife the way she requ
11/19/2023 3:12:00 PM
Payment Due From Years Ago A gentleman has discovered that his youthful masturbation has cost him
11/19/2023 3:09:00 PM
Laboring In Vein A combination of regular heavy lifting, stress and occasional wild masturbation
11/19/2023 3:08:00 PM
Age Has Only Left Him With One Complaint /figure Here's an active man who has been blessed with
11/19/2023 3:08:00 PM
Hard-Working Organ /figure He's been masturbating regularly for five years, but now it hurts, ev
11/19/2023 3:07:00 PM
Sex Is Now A Pain In The Back? /figure Erections when needed, check. Stays hard until ejaculatio
11/19/2023 3:06:00 PM
Can He Recover From Severe Testicle Damage? 14 years ago, an auto accident almost cost him his se
11/19/2023 3:06:00 PM
Lost Health, Losing Love /figure 15 years of masturbation has cost this guy so many things, leav
11/19/2023 3:05:00 PM
Stress Goes To Your Head and Hair /figure A young man is aging before his time. The most likely
11/19/2023 3:05:00 PM
Can't Hold His Water It's like pouring water down a rainspout: this fellow can barely finish drin
11/19/2023 3:04:00 PM
Serious Subcutaneous Side-Effects He only used the techniques for a few days, but his erections s
11/19/2023 3:03:00 PM
The Ecstasy of Ecstasy Has A Price /figure This young man stopped abusing various drugs like Ecs
11/19/2023 3:03:00 PM
Too Much Pleasure Leads To Pain Here's the story of a woman who used her vibrator for years. Now,
11/19/2023 2:59:00 PM
Over Masturbation for the Times A veteran masturbator has racked up a very long list of health co
11/19/2023 2:59:00 PM
Masturbating and Marijuana Together Make Things Worse /figure For seven years, this young man ha
11/19/2023 2:58:00 PM
A Hobby's Price There's no entry fee, no special tools required, and practically no skill nece