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Can't Hold His Water

It's like pouring water down a rainspout: this fellow can barely finish drinking water before he gets the urge to urinate. What's happening? Quickly read on, get the facts, and find out what you might be able to do if you're reading this on your way to the bathroom!

Case #: 1387


Hi, I have had a problem with frequent urination for a long time. It has gotten so bad that I have to urinate every half hour to an hour or so. I don't even drink that much water to have to pee that much. It seems like every cup of water I drink will come out almost immediately. Please help me. What could be causing this?


You probably have a very good idea of where your bladder is located in your body. What you may not know is what's immediately around it, or more specifically, what's directly beneath it: your prostate gland.

Squeezing The Truth

This mass of spongy tissue presses up against the bottom of your bladder and wraps around your urethra. Its normal function is to generate prostatic fluid, a clear to milky-white fluid which amounts to at least half of the mass of your ejaculations; it also manufactures a few important hormones. It is also one of the few parts of your body that never really stops growing, and that may be part of the problem.

A New Reason To Worry About Your Penis

Most guys worry about losing their erections, or losing length or girth as they age. The prospect of losing bladder control is apparently too embarrassing for them to even think about, which doesn't make the problem go away. In fact, urine-related accidents can lead to considerable embarrassment, stress, lost sleep and adding up to a general deterioration of mental health.

Stress, in turn, can affect the nerves that monitor and control your bladder, which can set up a distressing downward spiral of worry leading to more frequent urine emergencies leading to more worry and so on.

Overactive Prostate?

Like almost all of the rest of your body, your prostate is controlled by hormones. One in particular is dihydrotestosterone (“DHT”), which is a compressed, “supercharged” form of testosterone that has different properties than “regular grade” testosterone. This stuff has a tendency to attack head-hair follicles, but that's much less important than the fact that it can cause serious swelling of the prostate.

Given what you've learned about where the prostate is, you can easily see how a swollen prostate can affect your urinary urges: pressing up against the bottom will decrease the effective volume of your bladder, leading your body to generate stronger “Gotta Go Now” signals to your brain.

Relax And Don't Go

So what can you do? Fortunately, the problem has been around for centuries and in every culture, so there has been a lot of time and resources spent on solving it. We encourage you to talk the situation over with your health-care provider, to get an expert's opinion on your specific situation and to monitor the progress of whatever response you choose to employ. He or she will be able to tell you if your bladder is too sensitive to benefit from Kegel exercises, for example; past a certain point, doing Kegels can actually cause more harm than good, so please be careful.

One solution that we recommend is an all-natural herbal supplement discovered by the Aztecs and kept as a strict secret... until now. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Prostate and Urinary Health Control) This formula does its work by reducing your DHT levels (which, as suggested above, may also allow your thinning hairline to recover) and assists in tissue recovery in men who have undergone prostate surgery.

Give your body time to bring its natural healing abilities into play, and your urinary incontinence problems should dry up in no time.

[More Details +]

Views: 152

Ideas: Men's, Prostate Enlargement

Blog ID: 59227

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