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The Enemy Within – Bipolar Disorder No Good for Sex Drive

Here we have a bipolar man who is really concerned with his recently diminished libido. What is the exact cause of it, and what can he do in order to rectify the situation?
Case #:1818

I am bipolar. I was diagnosed a few years ago due to my unstable temperament. I, like most individuals with my condition, take medication to keep my mood on an even keel. The medication does what it’s supposed to but at an added side effect: low libido. I have notice that my sexual desires have become noticeable less frequent. Before taking the medicine, I would masturbate on average 2-3 times a day every day of the week. Now, I noticed that I have no urge to masturbate—let alone have sex. My diminutive sexual desires irritate my partner. Now, I find myself worried she will leave if I continue with my inabilities to please her. What’s wrong with me?

Can you guess how many times that this has happened?
“Mark, we need to talk,” Trish said.
Mark made a heavy sighing sound, he’d been trying to avoid this conversation altogether. “About what?”
“Just…you know, how we’re getting along,” Trish answered.
“What do you mean?” Mark queried while trying to look mystified. He had the look of a little wide-eyed innocent boy.
“Uh…haven’t you been feeling like…we’re not really getting along in certain areas?”
“Everything’s been cool for me…”
Now it was Trish’s turn to sigh. “No, it really hasn’t been in bed. Come on Mark, you know what I’m talking about. Are you like…seeing someone else or something?”
“No, it’s not that. I’m not cheating or anything. Okay look, I have a little thing going on, but if I tell you don’t make fun of me.”
Trish looked concerned. “What is it hun, what is wrong?”
After a long pause, Mark said: “I’m bipolar, and I take some serious meds for it. It’s probably affecting my sex drive. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, it’s just—“
“It’s okay,” Trish said, hugging him.
An invisible Enemy

If you guessed “a lot,” you’d be right; millions of conversations such as this have happened because bipolar disorder affects so many people out there. When men are afflicted by it they can come to feel ashamed or embarrassed and so may keep it all balled up inside, fearing that they will be seen as “one of those troubled people.” Even if they are accepted by their mate, flaws and all, another problem can arise: Side-effects from prescribed medications.
Think about it for a minute: Every time that a normal healthy male masturbates, he drains a portion of what is used for sex – dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine. If he plays with himself too often he can exhaust these elements crucial to sex drive and go into a sexually exhausted state. In addition to that, but pharmaceutical medications may also interfere with a man’s hormonal levels.
Now imagine a man with bipolar disorder. His supply of these neurochemicals and hormones can be additionally diminished as a result of being bipolar since his body is in a constantly unstable state. Therefore he can be even more prone to blowing through his reserves and become sexually exhausted much more easily, which can result in a whole slew of symptoms including a loss of libido. So what is one to do if they are going through this?
Pause, and Recharge

Most men need additional help in order to completely rid themselves of this sexual malady. Taking a potent glandular supplement can not only help you to recover from your sexual malaise, but can also actually turbo-boost you into a whole new sphere of sexual prowess. (SEE: Natural Low Sex Drive Booster)
They do this by supplying your body with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are critical to powering your body with all-natural testosterone. Think of your sex drive as one big battery, and testosterone as the primary energy source that powers it.
So no more moping around and constantly disappointing your lover in bed; surprise her with a sudden change in your “bedside manner” and have her screaming and moaning for more!

What to do

Raw Orchic Supplementation For Testicular Atrophy & Low Sex Drive

If you suffer from testicle shrinkage or male infertility due to abusive masturbation or injury, Raw Orchic contains the necessary testosterone-building molecules to help improve your fertility and testicular size.

[More Details +]

Views: 207

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 61835

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