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Masturbating and Marijuana Together Make Things Worse

For seven years, this young man has been noticing his health going bad: unexplained weight loss, depression, back pain, anxiety, and others. Is it his past medical history as a regular marijuana user? Is it his chronic masturbation? Is it both at once? Read on, get the facts and find out what you can do if you find yourself in a similar situation.

Case #: 1398


I have been experiencing declining health since I was 18. I'm 25 this year. My weight has also declined from 140lbs. when I was in high school to 120lbs. I'm 5'10" tall. At my worst health I was having extremely bad panic attacks. I still have some mental problems like depression anxiety but no more panic attacks. My other symptoms include back pain, fatigue, pale looking from poor circulation, trouble sleeping at night. I used to also have ringing in the ears and blurred vision. I don’t really get the last two symptoms as badly anymore, but I will get them if I feel really tired. I also used to use marijuana regularly along with masturbating. I want to get healthy again but have not found relief from regular doctors. From reading your case studies, I feel that you are very good in helping people with health problems like mine. What would you recommend for me doctor?


Among marijuana's many biochemical effects on the body is an increase in production of a hormone called prostaglandin E-2, which causes your blood vessels to constrict. Too much of it can cause inflammation and general malfunction of various tissues. Chronic marijuana users blood vessels may show these effects throughout their bodies, including their brains (producing panic attacks, depression and anxiety); the guys may notice difficulties in achieving erections, sustaining them when they have them... or just losing the motivation to even try.

This Weed Can Choke You

With a history of these effects, chronic marijuana users may experience frustration and performance anxiety, which may create a self-sustaining feedback loop all but guaranteed to leave their sex (and even social) lives practically nonexistent.

Another drawback is dialing down your brain's ability to manufacture acetylcholine, a highly versatile substance in many different parts of your body. It helps lower your heart rate (decreased amounts means that your heart beats faster than necessary for far longer than necessary, which would contribute to anxiety attacks), as well as being a critical component in formation of memory and making decisions.

Has Masturbation Mastered YOU?

Masturbation is not free. Even if you only indulge exactly once every week, it's just like any other strenuous physical activity: your body expends nutrients, puts wear and tear on your organs, and knocks your biochemical balance out of balance. The sensible thing would be to prepare at least a day ahead of time, including at least three nutritious meals and a monitored exercise regimen accompanied by appropriate amounts of clean water and plenty of sleep, followed by at least a full day of the same after masturbating (or having actual sex, for that matter).

Few people (young or old, male or female) are willing to subject themselves and their partners to this kind of discipline, so they engage in what amounts to unwise sexual practices. Whether or not they are using other precautions, they ignore an even more insidious danger: their bodies cannot possibly handle the demands of repeated ejaculations and orgasms for any length of time without proper maintenance... and they don't know what proper maintenance of their bodies means.

How To Rebuild Your Health

Fortunately, the human body is capable of astounding feats of recovery under the proper circumstances. Keep your health-care provider informed while you explore various options. The most obvious one is to reduce your sexual activities, both alone and with a partner, as much as you can. The goal is to go completely without for three weeks, but at this point any reduction can only help. Rest assured that you don't have to give it up forever, any more than you have to give up running if you sprain your ankle; this is just recuperation.

The next step is to improve your diet as much as possible; consume fresher vegetables while easing back on processed sugar and saturated fats, and wash it all down with eight to ten glasses of water each day. Pay attention to what you eat, especially how you feel for a day or so afterward, and experiment with different foods. In the long run, learning how to evaluate your own nutrition will be far more valuable than following a fad diet. Learning how to cook will save you money, give you an interesting hobby to talk about, and may even improve your self-esteem.

Carefully examine your exercise options, evaluating them by realistic qualities like how likely you are to stick with the regimen for a long time. If you can only work up the energy and motivation to power-walk for a mile or so every other day, alternating with twenty pushups, then stick with that. As you gradually build up your tolerance for it, you may find that you want to add more moves or distance or combinations to your practices. As long as you do so without damaging yourself, this is perfectly fine.

In between these new questions, you should consider using an herbal supplement designed specifically to help your liver regenerate and detoxify your blood. (SEE: Marijuana Detox and Erection Restoration)

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Views: 170

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Youth Impotence

Blog ID: 58552

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