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Feeling Neutered? When a Vasectomy Turns Sour

Thinking of getting a vasectomy? Did you know that it can carry certain side effects? Hear about one man's complicated vasectomy, and find out how to reverse any sexual side effects even while increasing the size of your penis.

Case #: 674


I had a vasectomy when I was 36. About 3 years ago, my hair started thinning. I thought my age was the cause, but I believed my vasectomy and my hormone imbalance were to blame. I started taking the herbal formula featured in this website about 4 months ago, and my hair has grown back. My only problem now is my low sexual desire and lack of sufficient testosterone resulted in shrinking penis. I took a testosterone booster that includes the following ingredients: Maca, Chrysin, Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root, Tribulus terrestris, Avena Sativa, I3C(indole 3-carbinol), Alpha lipoic acid, Hawthorn extract, and Cucurbita pepo extract. However, I am interested in increasing my penis size and hardness.


Ah, the dreaded vasectomy. It's just about every guy's worst fear. After all, what's more terrifying than having some doctor take a sharp implement between your legs and reassemble your manhood? Well, I can think of one thing that's more terrifying: when that surgery goes wrong. For starters, I commend you for taking the plunge. But as with any surgery, there are sometimes unexpected after-effects.

For Those Considering a Vasectomy – Here's What Can Go Wrong

For anyone who has given any thought to going under the knife, I admire your courage. After all, few surgeries in this world are more life-threatening than the vasectomy (I'm kidding, of course). Okay, so it won't kill you, but a small percentage of vasectomy recipients have reported experiencing certain sexual dysfunctions after surgery, including weak erections, premature ejaculation, male menopause and even impotence.

Some of these effects can be purely psychological. After all, if you've had major surgery on your genitals, it's bound to mess with your head a little bit. But in some cases, there's a definite scientific cause for dysfunction.

The biggest issue is low testosterone. You see, your vasectomy caused excessive dead sperm cells to collect inside your testicles, and this can trigger your brain's sperm negative feedback control loop. As a result, your hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis –which is responsible for testosterone production—slows down, and your testosterone levels drop.

Testosterone is responsible for just about all healthy sexual function in men, so if you have insufficient levels, you're going to notice a variety of sexual difficulties.

It sounds like you've already taken a testosterone booster to address this issue, and that's great, but if you're not getting the results you hoped for, I would recommend specifically taking a Shilajit solution. Found in the himalayas, Shilajit contains over 75 natural testosterone-boosting compounds, including amino acids and antioxidants, and it has shown some amazing results.

Increasing Your Penis Size – Every Man's Desire

When you start improving your testosterone levels, you may find that your penis naturally expands to a more pleasing size, especially while erect. That's because increased testosterone equates to improved blood flow, which more adequately fills and stretches the chambers along your shaft.

If you want to see more definite results, though, I would recommend a botanical solution for penile tissue rejuvenation and regrowth. A solution of Cistanche, Cuscuta, Deer Antler, Fo Ti and Ginseng can work to increase blood circulation, raise nitric oxide levels in your body and expand your penis to its greatest size potential. After all, you've just had a vasectomy, so you owe it to yourself to start enjoying the best sex of your life. Go for it!

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Views: 64

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, Penis Enlargement, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 60020

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