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Prostate Problems Lead to Sexual Disorder

He is suffering from prostate problems, which have induced ejaculatory pains and premature ejaculation.

Case #: 293


I feel pain in my prostate or bladder when I ejaculate. Aside from the pain, I ejaculate too quickly.


Your ejaculation pains and premature ejaculation are likely the result of prostate problems. The prostate sits beneath the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Its main job is to produce the alkaline liquid sperm use to swim in.

Prostate Enlarged
When the prostate enlarges, due to excessive use or inflammation, men can start to experience premature ejaculation, urinary pain, and pelvic discomfort. Most men have a period of prostate growth in their mid- to late-40s. As tissues in the area enlarge, they often compress the urethra and partially block urine flow, resulting in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), or prostate gland enlargement.

Cause Behinds Ejaculation Pain & Premature Ejaculation
An enlarged prostate affects sexual function, a problem you continue to deal with. Ejaculation abrades the prostate ejaculation duct and induces PSA elevation for 24-48 hours or longer. Elevated PSA levels increase the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 production in the prostate, bulburethral and urethral tissues for 24-48 hours or longer too. The elevation of PSA levels explains why you may feel pain in your prostate and pelvis area.

All this pain and overuse of the prostate can weaken the ejaculation valve responsible for controlling an ejaculation. Once the valve becomes weakened, you experience the sudden to ejaculate. To prevent future embarrassment, try Herbal Remedies For Premature Ejaculation With Enlarged Prostate.

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Views: 162

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation, Prostate Enlargement

Blog ID: 61798

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