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Penis Shrinkage Due to Years of Marijuana & Antidepressants Use

Pot smoking has led to his shrinking penis, while anti-depressants have damaged his erection quality.

Case #: 245


My penis once measured 7 ½ inches. After I broke up with a long-time girlfriend, I experienced signs if depression. Because of the depression, I began smoking pot, masturbate frequently, and taking antidepressants. During the same time, I noticed my blessed soldier shrink and shrink. Today, I am a whole inch shorter, erections never feel as hard as before, even my endurance seems ruined. What can I do to regain my length, improve my endurance, and combat the depression?


You may have a lot more to worry about than just a shrinking penis. You have done your body a great deal of harm by smoking pot all these years, and you are exacerbating that problem with antidepressant medication and over-masturbation. You are not coping with your problems well, which has led you to pot smoking in the first place. You're going to have to find a better way to deal with life's problems before you completely destroy your body and sexual function.

Toxins From Marijuana

There are many toxins coming out from Marijuana directly or indirectly. For example, smokes from marijuana release Tetrahydorcannabionol (THC) that would disrupt your sex hormones and affecting penile tissues. Also marijuana abuse raises the level of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 in the body, a hormone that can induce inflammation in both brain and penis arteries.

These narrowed arteries require high blood pressure to pump blood up to your brain. The toxic chemicals in marijuana gradually take over acetylcholine in the brain and nervous system, causing the brain and autonomonic nervous functions to become disordered. Meanwhile, the neurotransmitter nitric oxide and dilator cGMP become suppressed, leading to erection or orgasm dysfunction and penile shrinkage.

SSRI + Marijuana = Penile Disaster

Now as for your antidepressant usage, SSRI drugs (common antidepressants) can destroy your sexual function by disabling the pituitary and liver function. SSRIs cause chronic excessive prolactin production, leading to a pituitary functional disorder called HyperProlactimia, an inability to orgasm or produce semen because of the high levels of prolactin in the bloodstream.

SSRIs block the brain's dopamine nervous function in the hypothalamus-pituitary axis responsible for the release of oxytocin -- a hormone that promotes emotional well-being and orgasms. SSRIs interfere with production of neurotransmitters and hormones by overloading the liver’s P45 detoxification system while blocking the spinal nervous transmission in the synapses. The blocking of the synapse disables erectile nervous function in the penis while inhibiting seminal production and vaginal lubrication. Because SSRIs de-sensitize the nerves in the penis, prostate, seminal vesicles, you may have a difficult time trying to orgasm.

Get Ride of Toxins & Restore Penile Tissues

Now you have understood the underlying harmful pathological consequences behind your penile shrinkage & dysfunction, it time to take effective action to get your size back. Firstable, you need to quit smoking marijuana and work with your doctors to reduce antidepressant usage. Take detoxification herbs and penile tissue restorative herbs that can regain back your size & erection power.

[More Details +]

Views: 163

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 61347

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