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When The Wife’s Away, Her Husband Will Play: Frequent Masturbation Prevents Him from Having Strong Erections

He’s home alone quite often while his wife travels for work. To satiate his sexual needs, he masturbates regularly, sometimes up to four times a day. Lately, however, he can’t enjoy self-pleasure because his erections aren’t what they used to be. He’s also missing morning wood, a sure sign something is wrong internally.
Case #:1988

My wife is a travelling musician and travels 40 weeks out of the year. I don’t need to tell you I’m sexually deprived – it’s a natural part of our marriage, and I accept it for what it is because I love her. Besides, I have my own method for achieving sexual pleasure. I masturbate each and every day: in the shower, in the car, on the couch, in the bed…I am always turned on, and the sexy messages my wife sends me keep me in a constant state of arousal. It’s not unusual for me to get off four times a day. Lately, though, I don’t see my usual morning erections. I’m also having trouble sustaining an erection. Have I done something to harm my body?

Remember when your mother told you masturbating would make you go blind? Although she was only trying to deter you, it is true that self-pleasure comes with a price. Some sex and some masturbation are fine. In fact, both contribute to overall health. But too much wreaks havoc on your system so that even erections become impossible to achieve and sustain.
What Happens during Masturbation

Whether you masturbate or have sex, your body undergoes dramatic changes before and after. Heart rate picks up, breathing increases and blood vessels dilate. Muscles tense and skin sweats until you orgasm. Then another chain of events begins.
An orgasm might last mere moments, but the effects continue indefinitely. Let’s start with the initial release of chemicals; as heart rate increases, so too do the levels of adrenaline and cortisol. This is at the onset of orgasm. Then, after those first few contractions of pleasure, the body releases neurotransmitters that mimic the effects of cocaine. We’re talking about dopamine and serotonin, both of which produce deep-seeded feelings of pleasure and relaxation.
Another chemical produced during orgasm is oxytocin. This, of course, is in addition to various other hormones, particularly testosterone. All said, sex fatigues the body and produces a rush of chemicals that doesn’t go away as soon as sex is finished. In fact, those chemicals remain in the body until they’re properly metabolized.
A Flood of Chemicals

You might liken the sexual process to filling a cup with water. Each time you add water, the cup gets a little fuller. Soon, the water reaches the top and, with just a few more drops, spills over. At this point, you know you’ve added too much.
Your body operates in a similar manner. Certainly, sex and masturbation are normal, healthy activities that promote heart health and relieve stress. But the chemicals produced by orgasm start to accumulate when they’re released more rapidly than the body can manage.
A wash of hormones and neurotransmitters interferes with normal body functions. Here, then, is where we explain your lack of morning wood. You’ve masturbated in excess of what your body can handle, and chemical levels are interfering with normal sexual responses.
Why You Should Worry

Morning wood, known in the medical community as nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), is a nuisance to some men and a source of pride for others. Regardless of your outlook, it’s important to know this phenomenon represents a healthy body. Indeed, NPT helps stave off erectile dysfunction and maintain strong penile tissues.
The average man experiences NPT between three and five times each night. These spontaneous erections repeatedly supply blood and oxygen to the penis to maintain durable tissues. They also suggest you reach a deep, restorative state of sleep.
Bring Back the Wood

To restore sexual stamina, we recommend an herbal formula complete with Panax Ginseng. (SEE: Morning Wood Revival Formula) A member of the fleshy-root plant family, Panax Ginseng recharges a depleted body. It restores balance to disrupted hormones and improves circulation throughout the body. This means stronger erections, enhanced libido and a return to morning wood.
When choosing a Panax Ginseng formula, you can choose from blends that correct premature ejaculation, stop impotence and improve penis size. The formula you select will depend on your specific needs. Given your symptoms, a blend to stop impotence would probably be best. You will therefore want a botanical blend that includes Horny Goat Weed and Maca. (TRY: Natural Herbal Formula for Erectile Dysfunction) Based on the idea that meridian channels in the body become blocked with negative energy, these herbs collectively promote energy movement and blood flow so the penis engorges during sexual arousal.

What to do

Botanical Solutions for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile drugs offer a convenient fix for weak erections. For many men who are tired and suffered from the harmful side effects of erectile drugs, it's time to fix the cause of erectile dysfunction with a natural approach.
Oh, Hello Morning Wood

Known by most men as the morning wood, a ro

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Views: 178

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 60369

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