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Make It Short, Make It Quick – The Link Between Penis Shrinkage and Premature Ejaculation

Have you noticed some degree of penis shrinkage? How about premature ejaculation? These symptoms have one common link: excess masturbation. Get the facts.

Case #: 854


I have read about so many sexual problems that men are having on your website and it’s shameful to say that my problem could be the biggest one of them all.

My problem is that I stared to masturbate at the age of 12. I had gone to the movies with some guys in the area to watch a porn movie and the next day I was masturbating. I masturbate at least every day until now and I am 40 years old.

Another big problem I have from this masturbation Is my penis got very small because I stared to masturbate with only two fingers so my penis look super small. And I don't last long. If there is any help for me can you recommend it please?


Porn is a dangerous compulsion, but it's especially dangerous when you discover it and become drawn to it at such a young age. The visual stimulation and resulting chronic masturbation actually alter the brain chemistry and create a cycle of addiction. Next thing you know, you're 40 years old and can't make it through the day without a series of orgasms. Masturbation addiction is very real, and not only can it hurt relationships, but as you have seen, it can also destroy your sexual function.

Why Your Penis is Failing You

We have two issues at work: early ejaculation and penis shrinkage. First, let's look at the shrinkage. This issue is much more common than you think, but you wouldn't know it because the topic usually doesn't come up at the local sports bar (go figure). The penis shrinkage has numerous causes. For instance, there's an accumulation of inelastic scar tissue along the penile chambers, as well as plaque inside the tiny arteries. As a result, blood flow is inhibited. As if that weren't enough, poor liver function has reduced your production of HGH, which is responsible for producing new penile tissue.

Then there is the issue of premature ejaculation. This is more than just an inconvenience. Early ejaculation is like leaving the party right when band is starting to play. When you masturbate constantly, you deplete the serotonin in your body, and serotonin is needed to open and close the ejaculatory valve. So in summation, we have plaque buildup, scar tissue, HGH depletion, serotonin depletion, and any number of other chemical imbalances, but they all have one common cause: over-masturbation.

Let's Get You Better

If you want to recover your size, it's very simple. Tie one end of a rope to your penis, and the other end to a car bumper. Then have your friend start the car and accelerate. Okay, don't do that. The real solution is actually much more painful: you need to quit masturbating so much. That can be miserable for any guy. But it may not be enough to simply take a masturbatory sabbatical. You can also improve your size and ejaculatory issues with an herbal remedy that addresses hormone imbalance and blood flow, while improving nitric oxide levels. (TRY: Botanical Concoction for Penile Growth) I would recommend a botanical concoction formulated for penile rejuvenation and growth.

And remember, the less often you achieve orgasm, the more you'll enjoy it in that sense, it's kind of like your favorite milkshake, and just as creamy...sorry if I just ruined milkshakes for you.

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Views: 74

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59667

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