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Issues With My Erection And Possible E.D

Chronic over-masturbation during puberty, followed by using medications to treat impotence, resulted in poor vision, stress, anxiety, mood swings, and hair loss.

Case #: 317


In the last couple of years, I have been noticing my erections get weaker and weaker—even unsustainable at times. Please note, I was once was addicted to masturbation. Over the years, I have noticed my hair thin, my vision worsen, and even my mood become more erratic.


Sexual exhaustion causes a bevy of unwanted symptoms, from fuzzy vision, hair loss, back pain, and even impotence. Abuse to the body alters the brain’s nervous functions, triggering a constant elevation of prolactin, cortisol and epinephrine. The end result is an exhausted neuro-endocrine system. If you continue the same practices while treating your problems with erectile drugs, you will become fully impotent. Impotence drugs do not cure the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction; instead they bandaid for temporary relief. Can you image if you have to take it for the rest of your life?

Physiological Changes Behinds Excessive Masturbation
When you engage in too much sex, masturbation, pornography viewing, sexual fantasy, and orgasms, the body overproduces androgen hormones, which exhaust the sex organs and release excessive dopamine levels. Dopamine, a precursor to the stress hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), overproduces epinephrine and places the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight stress. Meanwhile, norepinephrine, synthesized from dopamine, releases from the adrenal medulla into the blood as a hormone, along with the stress hormone cortisol. The hormone prostaglandin E-2, which serves an important function in sexual arousal, is overproduced causing sexual dysfunction, such as impotence.

Organs Affected
All of this over-activity and stress causes the pituitary gland and testicles to become disabled for a few days or even months, leading to a long refraction time or a long-term sexual exhaustion and inflammation. First, you may feel your muscles and joints become very tight and rigid upon ejaculation. An extremely exhausted adrenal function can cause an extreme low level of DHEA and cortisol, resulting in fatigue and pains throughout the body, including the back. The pain becomes severe at about 2-4 hours after ejaculating due to the sudden drop of DHEA, testosterone and DHT. You may experience pains for a couple of days until your prolactin and cortisol levels are returned to their normal ranges.

Reverse It While You Can
In order to reverse the ill-effects of excessive masturbation, stop sexual activity for a few weeks. Let your body rest and replenish. Then you can come back to it with a lower frequency. A healthy habit is to ejaculate a total of three to four times a week. Take Botanical Formula For Erection Rejuvenation and replenish essential growth hormones for full recovery.

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Views: 152

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 61226

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