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Blame the Bride: How Pre-Wedding Stress Caused His Quick Ejaculations

He should be happily planning his wedding, instead he’s been taken back to teenagerhood with his premature ejaculation problem. He and his fiancée aren’t doing anything new, yet his problems just began recently. His girlfriend’s nervous this will become a lifelong habit. What’s causing this bizarre problem?
Case #: 1990

I turned 33, just became engaged to my girlfriend, and we’ve started planning the wedding. The only problem is, I’ve started having issues with premature ejaculation. I don’t know what’s causing it, but it has my girlfriend starting to worry about our future together. Do you have any idea what could be causing this? We’re not doing anything new in bed; we’ve been sleeping together for a while now.

What a time to be bothered by a silly problem like this! Planning a marriage can be one of the most stressful periods in a relationship, and that’s already after you’ve decided to get married! In fact, I think the reason you’re experiencing this return to virginity is due to the stress you’ve been under regarding the proposal, and the subsequent heavy planning for the event.
Wedding Blues

That’s right: your wedding is at the bottom of it. It’s wonderful that you were able to find a person you want to spend the rest of your life with. And it’s amazing that you’ve agreed to be committed to her. But when it comes to the ceremony itself, it sounds like you’re under a little too much pressure. A wedding shouldn’t come down to napkin colors and bridesmaids’ dresses, but down to the feeling between two people. You’re getting caught up in an anxious game, and your body is having to pay for it.
The Secret Killer

Stress in our bodies is a terrible thing. The hormone that causes us to feel stressed is known as cortisol, and its work can be found in everything from menopausal women to blue-balled men. Been having some junk food cravings lately? Same thing. Your body craves quick energy and calories during this time—calories, to build more cortisol—and try to get you to stuff your face. You also likely aren’t sleeping well.
Pressure Point

Below the surface, you’ve got issues with blood vessel constriction and high blood pressure. This is the trigger for your premature ejaculation. Why? Because the penis is meant to have blood flow into it quickly and easily when the muscles relax. If there is constant pressure upon these muscles, and the nerves therein, there begins to be issues with ejaculation control.
Flower Power

For those suffering from ejaculation issues due to undue stress, I highly suggest trying a supplement that features Passion Flower. (SEE: Premature Ejaculation Fighting Passion Flower) This herb contains not only testosterone-mimicking phytochemicals that assist the body in controlling ejaculate function and tissue health, but also muscle-relaxing flavanoids that reduce the effects of stress on the whole body. It will do wonders for your mental state, and will completely restore your normal sexual ability.
Last Words

It might benefit you to designate someone else as your stand-in representative for wedding decisions; perhaps a sister or a cousin? Try to minimize stress for yourself as much as you can, try this supplement, and I’m sure you’ll have a happy honeymoon!

What to do

Put an End to P.E. with Passion Flower

Jared had a healthy sex life. He got to party with supermodels and pageant queens.

[More Details +]

Views: 169

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 58972

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