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The Best Way To Stay Up. . .Put A Ring On It

The most inexpensive way to staying hard throughout the duration of sex is just one click away.
Case #: 1904

Ever since I was diagnosed with diabetes my erections have become few and far between. My wife is beginning to wonder if it is her fault. What can I do to hold, and keep an erection? I will try anything at this point.

Being a diabetic can be seriously draining sometimes. You can't have the sugary treats you once pinned for any more. You might have a bought of days where you feel too weak to get out of bed, and some older men with diabetes will find it very difficult to hold an erection.
Simply The Best

Erectile dysfunction has many causes, from emotional ties to physical ones. Some men are able to reach some state of hardening of the penis, but they are not able to keep it up very long. Others aren't able to get it up at all. It all depends on what the dysfunction is stemming from.
Along with old age, diabetes in older men is the leading cause of mild erectile dysfunction. The disease targets, and does great damage to the nerves, muscles, and arteries. And unfortunately, these are all components that put on a good show when it comes to erections.
The Science Behind Erections

When a man is sexually aroused, blood rushes to the genitals and is forced into the chambers within the shaft of the penis. Men with diabetes usually are only able to partially fill those chambers because of poor blood circulation. And once the blood is within those chambers, it's really only a matter of time before it dissipates and disperses back into the rest of the body.
Fortunately, there are certain herbal remedies out there that include ingredients such as Horny Goat Weed and Deer Antler that will increase blood circulation in that specific area. However, diabetics might experience better results with a simple devise that you can pick up at your local adult store or online.
Putting A Ring On It

As I mentioned before, most men with diabetes that experience some sort of erectile dysfunction are able to achieve an erection, they are just not able to hold one. The cock ring is great in situations such as these; because once you have an erection you may almost freeze it in time with the ring. (TRY: Cock Rings for Diabetic Men with ED Problems)
Once you have become erect, simply thread both your penis and scrotum through the ring before intercourse. Once the ring is in place, it will trap the blood that has collected within the chambers of the shaft of the penis. Once your partner has been properly sexually satisfied, remove the ring so that you may also climax. And there you have it!
Of course, you should remove the ring if at any time during its use, you begin to experience pain or discomfort.

What to do

Cock Ring Guide For Men With Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Diabetes

During the early 2000s, the emergence of men and women with Type 2 diabetes became a public concern.

[More Details +]

Views: 196

Ideas: Men's, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 60405

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