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Fighting the Urge-Battling Incontinence Caused By an Enlarged Prostate

A male is experiencing bladder control problems and sexual dysfunction.

Case #: 521


Lately, I have been having some troubling problems. Before I have sex, I get very nervous and anxious and feel like I need to urinate, even though I don’t really have to. My erections are not as hard as they used to be and it is hard for me to orgasm, especially when I wear a condom. My symptoms are driving a wedge between my girlfriend and I. And I need to find out their cause quickly. What could be causing all of these things?


I understand your concern and frustration. You are suffering from an overactive bladder and enlarged prostate. The first thing I want you to do is reassure your girlfriend that you will return to normal soon and it is possible to recover from this.
While your bladder and prostate may be the root of your problems, I think your anxiousness is also playing a big role in your soft erections, inability to orgasm and decreased sensitivity. I’m sure you are trying to pleasure your girlfriend during sex and also thinking about your current symptoms. With these things weighing on your mind, you will not be able to perform properly in bed. Relax, have fun together and the sex will be much more enjoyable.

Symptoms of an Overactive Bladder

The urge to urinate is caused by an overactive bladder. This is a common result of an enlarged prostate. You may also experience incontinence, which can be a stressful and embarrassing problem.、
When your body is stressed these symptoms will become stronger. This leads to a never-ending cycle of stress and bladder control problems. The more stressed you are, the more likely you are to experience incontinence and when you do experience it, you will stress out about it even more. I want you to focus on getting better and controlling your bladder instead of worrying about it.

How Prostate Enlargement Can Lead to an Overactive Bladder

One of the most common causes of overactive bladder in men is an enlarged prostate. Your prostate can change with age. Excessive sex and masturbation, hormone imbalances and poor diet can all cause prostate enlargement. When it becomes enlarged, the prostate will press against the bladder.
The pressure on the bladder makes you feel like you need to urinate even if your bladder is not full. Sometimes the prostate can press against the urethra and prevent all of the urine from emptying from the bladder. The urine that is not emptied can slowly leak out or put more pressure on your bladder.

Overactive Bladder Treatment

I know how upset you are over your problems, but stressing out is only making them work. Relax and your body will begin to heal itself. Take an herbal supplement that is designed to help you control your bladder, shrinks your prostate and helps make your erections stronger.
You can also practice kegel exercises to help strengthen your bladder and pelvic floor muscles. If your muscles are strong, you will be able to avoid incontinence. When your prostate returns to its normal size and stops putting pressure on your bladder, your symptoms will subside.
Remember, it is up to you to improve your performance in the bedroom. Talk to your girlfriend and let her know you are getting the help you need. I’m sure she will understand and the two of you will be enjoying your sex life again in no time at all.
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What to do

Aztec Secret Formulation for Urinary & Prostate Control

Stop rushing to the bathroom and start relaxing. If you suffer from bladder problems, take the ancient Aztec formula to help ease your woes.

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Views: 166

Ideas: Men's, Prostate Enlargement, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 61543

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