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Trouble with Eye Floaters and Pain

He is experiencing eye floaters, joint and muscle pains as a result of over-masturbation and pornography addiction.

Case #: 287


My eye floaters become very noticeable when I'm in the daylight.

1. Will this go away gradually or can we do something else to speed the process up?

2. Are joint & muscle pain also a sign of a weak testicular function? Low testosterone?

Please note, I enjoy watching pornography, and I enjoy masturbating to it. Could my habits be the cause for my poor vision and muscle pain?


Eye floaters are distortions in one's vision that appear as squiggly lines, unnatural shading, or cloudiness. Eye floaters appear on the surface to be problems related to vision, but for some men, they are actually caused by excessive sexual or masturbatory activity, which in turn can lead to sexual dysfunction.

When a man engages in excessive sexual activity or masturbation, he can develop a disorder of the retina, the inner layer of the eye where rod and cone light receptors are located. An eye floater problem generally is due to the deficiency of cGMP, nitric oxide and acetylcholine in the rod visual sensory nerves. Coincidentally, these same deficiencies occur in cases of nervous erectile disorder. For that reason, this type of retina disorder can be brought on by excessive masturbation or ejaculation.

If a man ejaculates daily or even multiple times a day, he could be over-stimulating his nervous system and causing the deficiencies that lead to eye floater problems. What's more, these problems can lead to sexual dysfunctions, such as impotence, weak erections, and premature ejaculations, and joint and muscle pain, all of which can result from sexual exhaustion. To eliminate these exasperating eye problems, try supplement pills or make your own tincture.

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Views: 157

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59011

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