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Marijuana and Impotence? – Say it Ain't So

Can marijuana actually cause impotence and ejaculatory problems? Yes it can. Learn why, and see what you can do about it.

Case #: 595


I have been using the ViaPal-hGH-S solution and have already noticed that I am sleeping much better and waking up more refreshed. I also have no pain in my back and joints, which I have been dealing with for over three years despite regularly going to my chiropractor. I am 48-years-old and I have diabetes. I also have smoked pot since I was 15 years old. What should I expect with my conditions as stated above along with my two sexual dysfunctions: maintaining a hard erection and retarded ejaculation? Do I need to try other solutions?


You're on the right track. As a diabetes sufferer, you already have a naturally higher proclivity toward impotence and sexual dysfunction, so the fact that you're being proactive with ViaPal-hGH-S can make a huge difference. But I fear that your constant marijuana use may be holding you back from reaching your sexual potency potential.

Taking impotence herbs while smoking marijuana is a lot like drinking weight loss shakes while binging on double cheeseburgers. You're counteracting your own recovery potential with poor lifestyle habits (that's right, I'm breaking out the tough love here).

Marijuana – It Won't Kill You, But It Won't Help, Either

Unfortunately, anti-marijuana propagandists have used such over-the-top scare tactics that we've moved completely in the opposite direction, culturally. We think that because the propaganda is so ridiculous and overstated, the drug must actually be completely safe. Right? Well, no. In the real world, things are seldom black and white, and while marijuana won't turn you into a murderous cannibal, habitual use has some very real consequences.

Every time you take a bong hit or enjoy a puff from that cigarette, your body releases a cocktail of inflammatory chemicals like prostaglandin E2. This chemical constricts the arteries, thereby inhibiting blood flow. As a result, your erections become soft (when you can get one at all). What's worse, weed contains toxic delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol chemicals, which can cause the ejaculation problems you're describing. You just don't see that in the Cheech & Chong movies, but then again, I can't imagine “Cheech and Chong's Soft Blunts” being a huge hit at the box office.

I Want My Sex Back

The good news is that your impotence and ejaculatory issues don't have to be permanent. The bad news is that all the healing herbs in the world won't do you much good if you continue to light up like Harold and Kumar. Kiss the marijuana goodbye (not literally), and supplement your ViaPal-hGH-S use with an herbal remedy containing American Ginseng.

This will improve your liver function, strengthen the blood vessels and enhance nitric oxide and acetylcholine production in your body. You'll be back to your old self in no time, albeit without the constant stench of cannabis surrounding you.

[More Details +]

Views: 152

Ideas: Men's, Impotence

Blog ID: 58701

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