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Keep Your Erection Problems to Yourself, We’re Finished: His Girlfriend Left Him When He Couldn’t Stay Hard during Sex

His girlfriend just ended their relationship because he lacks sexual confidence. The real problem, however, is his erections; he loses them in the middle of making love. Now, with his relationship in ruins and his ego in tatters, he needs a remedy to get his life back on track.
Case #: 2038
My girlfriend just broke up with me because I’m not confident. I know this sounds like something out of a movie or book, but it’s the truth. Here’s the rest of the story: I lack confidence in bed because I can’t maintain an erection. Don’t ask me what’s wrong, because I don’t know. I love sex, I love my girlfriend but I don’t stay hard when we make love. She’s had enough, and now I feel worse than ever. What am I going to do?

People tend to take erections for granted, but they’re far from simple. You need the right mood, the right frame of mind and the right girl. If one element is missing or slightly skewed, you can forget about a night of romance.
Biology is another component of erections, and internal functions like blood pressure, hormone levels and nerve sensitivity must be in proper working order. In other words, erection problems happen for a variety of reasons. You’re not alone, nor should you feel you are. Between 20 and 30 million American men battle erection difficulties at some point in their lives.
What Your Girlfriend is Thinking

A loss of erection puts both partners in an awkward situation. The male is forced to cover his body’s betrayal with bluffing and blustering, the female must accept the situation and silence her doubts. But all women, when faced with a penis that goes soft, wonder if they’re to blame.
To put it more bluntly, your girlfriend thinks your erections go soft because you don’t love her. What you need is to evaluate your relationship. Is it equal parts trust and excitement? Do you feel comfortable with your girl? Does she feel comfortable with you? A stable relationship provides the foundation for great sex. If you don’t have that, your body will not work the way you want.
How the World around You Influences Erections

You know those moments when you’re distracted by unpaid bills? Or worried about a situation at work? Anything that causes stress or anxiety can throw a wet blanket on your erections. First and foremost, it takes you out of the moment so you’re no longer focused on sex. Stress also prompts the release of cortisol, a chemical that has the opposite effect on testosterone. As cortisol increases, testosterone decreases. Known as the “male hormone,” testosterone is vital to healthy, sustainable erections.
In addition, you’ll lose your hard-ons if you regularly drink or smoke tobacco. Alcohol inhibits sexual responses, while cigarettes fill the body with chemicals. Smoking also damages blood vessels and impedes strong blood flow to the penis.
While you tend to your health, you need to pay attention to diet. Men with excess body fat experience more erection problems than those who watch their weight. Again, the concern here is blood flow. Fat obstructs blood vessels and weakens circulation to cause weak and unsustainable erections.
Try to Relax

The pressure you likely feel to get and stay hard can ruin your erections. Stressing about this only makes it worse, and repeatedly thinking about it creates a situation in which you can’t relax. That’s exactly what you need to do before you can enjoy sex: relax.
We know it’s easier said than done, but you must channel your thoughts away from worry and toward pleasure. Don’t perceive sex as something you have to do, but as something you want to do. This will help ease your mind and give you the confidence you need to win back your girlfriend.
Show Your Girlfriend What You’re Made Of

The other boost to your sexual confidence will come from an herbal supplement containing DHEA. (TRY: Erection Rejuvenation with DHEA) The male body naturally produces DHEA as a precursor to testosterone. A remedy that contains DHEA will therefore balance hormone levels and help you stay rock hard during sex.
When combined with other herbs, DHEA can improve circulation and rejuvenate damaged penile tissues. It even stimulates nerve sensitivity so every touch and every movement during sex sends you into thralls of ecstasy. Be the man your girlfriend wants with DHEA.

What to do

DHEA: Improving Aging Erectile Tissues

Too often men suffer from erectile problems. At times it refuses to get hard

[More Details +]

Views: 210

Ideas: Men's, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 60340

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