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When Being “Cocky” Goes Wrong – Over masturbation and Soft Erections

Here we find a gentleman who has been whacking his wizard chronically and is now having problems getting hard. Are you experiencing a similar problem? Then read on...

Case #: 1318


I am a 35 year old man and have been masturbating since as far as I can remember. When I was about 10 or so I started masturbating. I did this sometimes up to four times a day. In the past few years I have been experiencing weak erection and I cannot maintain an erection at any cause. Recently it has been really difficult to have an erection and sometimes it feels like I don't have a penis at all. Can you please help me with my over masturbation symptoms/problems?


I had a friend back in the day that was training for a 100-yard dash competition against a rival unit (military). He had a special diet, and a certain practice schedule that his trainer had instructed him to follow in order to be at the top of his game when the time came to show what he had.


Sometimes I’d accompany him down to the track and hang out as he did his running practices. For a time he’d practice once per day as was advised, but after a few days because of his enthusiastic (i.e. macho) attitude, he suddenly thought he knew better, and would swagger down to the track twice, and eventually as much as three times per day to run! I didn’t really know too much about track training at the time, and as he was constantly boasting about how his “advanced training” would boost his performance (it sure did his already over-inflated ego), I figured he knew what he was doing.

On the day of the completion he showed up all cocky and braggadocios. The race against his opponent started, and as I watched in horror (well kind of), he started off strong and then the rival runner blew him away, leaving him in the dust. Chuckling slightly as I approached him I did my best to keep a straight face as he stood there with his head bowed in defeat. I actually felt sorry for the guy. Simply put, he had over-trained.

Similarly, by masturbating too much (over masturbation) you have sexually exhausted yourself; meaning the neurotransmitters and sex hormones crucial to proper sexual function (i.e. “getting it up”) have been over-trained, and since you aren’t giving your body a chance to rest and repair. Just as my friend wasn’t resting, you’re showing up at the “race” with an empty battery. So how do you turn things around?

Getting Back to Your A-Game

Just as my friend had to learn a little self-discipline and eventually learned how to give his body time to rest and recuperate, so do you need to take care of yourself by abstaining from masturbation, at least until your body starts to repair itself and your symptom goes away.

To really boost your recovery, try taking a synergistic herbal supplement. These powerful botanicals can naturally synthesize with your body’s natural healing abilities, augmenting them considerably. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Erectile Dysfunction) They can aid in producing penile growth factors such as testosterone and HGH, while also replenishing your body’s supply of dopamine and nitric oxide; leading not only to a stronger libido, but also keeping your erections harder for longer. They can also help to repair any penile tissue damage caused by over masturbation as well as remove any scar tissue that may have formed, allowing for a return to firm erections once again.

It’s okay to show up at the “race” cocky, but now you’ll be able to back it up. So what are you waiting for?

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Views: 180

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 61348

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