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Ejaculation Is Not Supposed To Feel Like This

Here’s a sexually-active young man discovering that his penis is complaining, so to speak. Where is this irritation coming from? What’s going on? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do if you have a similar problem.

Case #: 974


I have a recurring problem. It seems to have gotten worse than ever recently as I have been having more intercourse. I have an irritated feeling that comes behind the penis extended down through the prostate region. Sometimes there is a generalized mild irritation in the penis and surrounding urethra as well. This pain/irritation is mild and comes and goes. I get morning erections occasionally, but usually no spontaneous daytime ones. I also can get erect perfectly fine during sex. I think it’s from too much masturbation and sex. I am not exactly sure at age 26 what I should be taking of what you offer to resolve this problem. I hear your products are working and changing many people's lives, but I need some guidance on how to correct my issue.


Ejaculations and orgasms are, pretty much by definition, lots of fun.

The Free Ride?

At the beginning, you learn a lot about what gives you pleasure, which can be valuable when you acquire a sexual partner. And best of all, you don’t have to get a license or pay a fee or even buy any special equipment. But there is still a cost involved.

How Can My Pleasure Cause Such Pain?

From the outside, sexual pleasure seems pretty simple: you see something you really like or receive whatever stimulation that turns you on, you get an erection, you masturbate or engage in sex until you achieve orgasm. The only “cleaning up” you can see usually involves laundry or a shower.

From the inside, however, there’s a lot more going on. Your body needs to manufacture a series of chemicals and hormones on demand, not to mention refilling your supply of sperm-cells, all of which puts some strain on various organs and glands. The system works very well when you use it within standard parameters but it can start to break down if you push it too hard for too long.

In your specific case, your prostate is the part of the system that has broken down first. Positioned just below your bladder and wrapped around your urethra, the function of this gland is to manufacture prostitic fluid.

This mildly alkaline fluid, usually clear to milky-white in appearance, accounts for between half to three-quarters of the volume of your ejaculate. Its purpose is to help your sperm cells survive the mildly acidic environment in a woman’s womb and ovaries long enough to fertilize an egg-cell. The fluid is mixed with your sperm cells during ejaculation by means of small valves on the walls of the urethra.

Excessive masturbation produces higher-than-necessary levels of prostaglandin E-2, a hormone whose function is to make your blood vessels expand (“vasodilation”). Too much of it can cause irritation and inflammation of the tissues surrounding the blood vessels. This inflammation can interfere with the function of the valves in the prostate, leaving an imperfect seal and allowing small amounts of urine to get into the prostate’s sensitive tissues, which can lead to further irritation.

Cleaning Up The Amusement Park

To reduce or eliminate your irritation, you should begin by reducing your sexual activities, alone or with a partner. The goal is to go completely without for at least three weeks, but any reduction to no more than once every three days will be a good start. This will give your liver time to reduce your excess levels of prostaglandin E-2 and other “waste products”, as well as give your other glands time to produce more prostaglandin E-1 and E-3, which counteract the effects of E-2.

You should also speak with a health-care provider, if for no other reason than to get an expert’s assistance in monitoring your progress. There are many simple and inexpensive options for improving your diet, such as drinking green tea and eating pumpkin seeds.

You should also investigate a moderate exercise program such as tai chi, no more than four times per week, to improve your testosterone levels. And finally but far from least, you should consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement designed specifically to help your prostate recover from the damage of excessive sexual activity. (TRY: Prostate Enlargement Herbal Tincture)

Your sex-life and overall health can recover, with time and patience.

[More Details +]

Views: 182

Ideas: Men's, Prostate Enlargement

Blog ID: 58801

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