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If Sex is a Sport, I'm Playing Softball

Sometimes soft erections and ED will take hold without any apparent explanation. Learn the facts, and find out what you can do to put that spring back in your step.

Case #: 1150


A few years ago I suddenly got erection problems; went to the doctor and he gave me Sildenafil / Tadalafil which worked for 2 years; only used those pills around ten times, so not to much I think. I have not really over masturbated in my life, only three times a week, not more. The pills worked perfectly and I was happy again. Then about 1 and a half years ago these wonder pills stopped working for me. I could not understand and now I am in a big panic.


Erectile dysfunction is a lot like a flat tire. Sometimes it just sneaks up on you with no apparent explanation, and no matter how much you try pumping it, it just remains limp and lifeless. Of course, erectile dysfunction is a lot worse, because you can't buy a new penis at Pep Boys, and sex is a lot more fun than driving (just don't try doing both at the same me). As you have learned firsthand, erectile dysfunction medications rarely provide a long-term solution, and in fact, they can actually do more than good. Luckily, there are safer alternatives that actually work with much greater effectiveness.

Why is This Happening?

Just as you may never find the nail that pierced your flat tire, you may never know why you have weak erections. If it's not the result of over-masturbation, it may be the result of an earlier penis injury, a hereditary condition or a simple imbalance of hormones. Maybe your chosen deity just wants you to be celibate (okay, let's hope not). The good news is that the reason doesn't really matter, because the physiology is the same whether your individual problem is related to age or hormone depletion. We can rebuild it. We have the technology (if you're under 40, just ignore those last two sentences, as the reference may be lost on you).

The Do's and Don'ts of Healthy Erections

Step 1: Keep the pills in the trash where they belong. Common ED pharmaceuticals have been linked to literally dozens of painful and even dangerous side effects, including blurred vision, bleeding of the eyes, chest pain, seizures, nausea, pale skin, blindness and even heart failure. Now, dying during sex might seem like a pretty ideal way to go, but it's actually not as fun as it sounds. So let's skip the drugs and focus on natural solutions.

When I refer to “natural solutions,” I'm speaking primarily about herbal remedies designed to treat the effects of ED and soft erections without the use of dangerous drugs or chemicals. Now, I know what you're thinking. Just because something is “natural,” doesn't mean it's good, right? I mean, tobacco is natural, but look at what a disaster that industry turned out to be. So we want to focus on herbs that are natural, safe, and most importantly, effective. The solution: Curculigo.

It may sound like the name of a Star Wars alien, but Curculigo (also known as Xian Mao) is an Asian herb that repairs damaged blood vessels and accelerates blood flow to the penis. (SEE: Curculigo for Erectile Dysfunction) This amounts to stronger erections, better sex and a more satisfied partner. I would recommend an herbal supplement that contains Curculigo along with other natural hormones. You won't go blind, and it will give you much more mileage than a spare tire.

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Views: 149

Ideas: Men's, Impotence

Blog ID: 58793

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