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Stop Being Speedy Gonzales in the Bedroom

Hear one man's tragic story of premature ejaculation and unfulfilling sex, and learn why chronic masturbation is turning so many men into two-pump chumps.
Case #: 1404

Lately I've been very self-conscious about how long I can last in bed. Most of the time, I can only last for about 2-5 minutes before I ejaculate. I can probably tie this to chronic masturbation from when I was much younger, at around the age of 11-12. I used to masturbate everyday 3-5 times for approximately 3-4 years. Now, it’s gotten to the point where I can make myself ejaculate in 2-5 minutes. I've become very sensitive just at the bottom of the tip on my penis. My erection is at 3 o'clock. Is there any way that I can last much longer in bed? I don't feel as if I'm giving my girlfriend the enjoyment that she wants out of it. Please help!

We're all self-conscious about something. Some guys are self-conscious about their weight, some are self-conscious about their sexual prowess, and I'm a little self-conscious about my 24-inch penis (that may be a slight exaggeration). Sometimes, our self-consciousness can actually lead to the very nightmare we're so afraid of.
For instance, if you're self-conscious about asking a woman on a date, you'll probably make an ass out of yourself and get rejected merely on account of your social awkwardness. Likewise, if you're self-conscious about premature ejaculation, you can bet that your penis is going to unload like a broken sprinkler. That's just the stress hormones at work.
The Masturbation Connection

There's another important issue, however, aside from the nerves. It's called masturbation. Maybe you've heard of it. If you masturbate 3 to 5 times a day, you can expect to experience a few unexpected outcomes. First, you're going to build a rock-hard right tricep (the Masturbation Fitness Program is the biggest men's strength-training craze in history... your results may vary), and second, you're going to experience some degree of sexual dysfunction, i.e. premature ejaculation.
Blame the Hormones

That's not mayonnaise shooting out between your legs. Your semen, believe it or not, is filled with a variety of hormones and neurotransmitters, which are released from your body like shipwreck victims fleeing in a lifeboat. The problem is, once everyone leaves that ship, there's nobody left to steer. When you deplete hormones like testosterone and DHEA, along with neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, your reproductive system begins to malfunction.
Premature ejaculation is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep it up and you may come face to face with penis pain, lost libido, impotence and even hair loss. So you'll definitely want to cut back on the masturbation, even if it means taking a cold shower once in a while.
Herbs – It's What's for Dinner

If you want to leave your girlfriend smiling, you need to get those hormones under control. You may also need to repair some existing nerve damage. Luckily, there are numerous herbal preparations that are up to the task. (SEE: Natural Formula for Ejaculatory Control and Nerve Restoration) Astragalus Complanatus can strengthen your ejaculation valve, while Schizandra reduces hypersensitivity and Passion Flower helps to soothe those restless nerves.
Furthermore, Gardenia works to produce new parasympathetic nerve cells, which reinforces the entire reproductive system. Try taking an herbal remedy formulated with these and similar ingredients, and see if you can't leave your girlfriend screaming for more.

What to do

Herbal Nourishing Pills for Ejaculatory Nerves & Premature Ejaculation

Stop premature ejaculation caused by a leaky penis, over masturbation and performance anxiety issues. If you notice your endurance levels declining, it may be time to put a stop to your issues

[More Details +]

Views: 203

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59481

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