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I Went From 6 to 6.8 Inches After Using Herbal Formula. My Girlfriend Loves It And We Have Sex More. But Now She Likes It Thick

Here's a success story that has led to a new challenge. He has successfully increased the length of his penis, and now his girlfriend wants him to work on making it thicker. Is it possible? Can he bulk up without losing the hard-earned new length? Read on, get the facts and find out what you can do if you wish to pursue a similar prize.
Case #:1231

I have tried some of the solutions for penis enlargement with success. I went from 6 inches to 6.8 inches. My girlfriend loves it and we have sex a lot more. My only concern now is that she likes a thick penis. Is there any way I can get a thicker penis and keep my penis how it is right now? I also noticed that it is not as hard as I would like. Please give me an answer.

To begin with, we congratulate you for finding success in reaching your penis-lengthening goals with our solutions. Please be advised that we only offer all-natural solutions to men with goals like yours; solutions that work in harmony with your body's natural erection mechanisms, and which simply are healthier and more effective than almost any other available products or services available today.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: A man in his 20s notices that he has plenty of width to provide pleasure, but he lacks the length to please his partner. With an expanded length, a man can do plenty of new tricks. Find out how man learns to improve his size, and discover if you too can experience the same. Leave us your comments for even more help.
Your Solution: Massage and Nourish X-Spot For Bigger Penis Size
Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview
Personal Improvement

Further congratulations are in order for doing your best to make your girlfriend happy by thickening your erection; a woman's sexual organs are most sensitive in the area just inside the vaginal opening, which means that a thicker penis stimulates and satisfies her far more than “just” increased length. As it happens, expanding the girth of your penis only requires a few slight adjustments to the regimen you already use.
Build Up And Build Out

Basic erections are the result of nitric oxide stimulating the blood vessels in your penis to dilate, drawing more blood into the tissues and keeping it there until you ejaculate. The most effective way to enlarge your penis therefore works in harmony with the natural erection process to simply increase the volume of blood forced into the tissues.
One part of the process involves boosting your body's levels of testosterone, human growth hormone and prostaglandin e-1. Another is to force additional volumes of blood into the corpus spongiosum and corpus cavernosum, the spongy tissues that form the foundation of your erection.
For what it is worth, you should not expect to lose any of the length you have achieved through the solutions you have already employed, as both previous supplements and techniques will work very well with the new solution, if you choose to take it. In addition, the increased blood flow to your penis will stimulate additional nitric oxide production, which will assist in strengthening your erections.
Heading For The Next Level
You can maintain the gains you have earned in your penis enhancement regimen in a couple of ways: figure out a moderate exercise regimen that you can perform up to four times per week (to boost your natural testosterone levels) and sticking with a healthy diet (look for foods rich in zinc like wheat germ and spinach, and strong sources of B-complex vitamins like wild rice and green leafy vegetables).
It's almost always a good idea to discuss your goals with a health-care provider to get an expert opinion as well as a professional monitoring your progress. Last but far from least, consider adding an all-natural herbal supplement designed specifically for enhancing penis width, to your regimen. (TRY: Penile Blood Flow Restoration Formula)

What to do

Penis Size Expansion By Natural Blood Flow Enhancement Herbs

Size is an issue of mind over matter. If you mind, it matters.

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Views: 190

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 62071

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