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Lost Health, Losing Love

15 years of masturbation has cost this guy so many things, leaving him with poor vision, dizziness and physical pain. Add to his emotional stress is the reasonable fear that his fiancée will call it off. What is happening to him? More importantly, how can he fix it?

Case #: 1347


I have sexual exhaustion. I started masturbating at the age of 13 but it wasn't on a frequent basis until I reached the age of 16. I am 28 years old now and i am seeing lots of sexual exhaustion symptoms now. I now have eye floaters, back pain, blurred vision, buzzing ears, dizziness, and sometimes performance anxiety. I have a recent fiancé and I am really afraid that she is going to leave me. Are there any herbal products I can take to help my situation?


Everyone faces the question at some point: where to draw the line between "enough" and "too much" masturbation.

The Cost In Terms Of Health

There is nothing wrong with masturbation in and of itself, but the benefits start fading and the drawbacks start adding up when you masturbate to excess. Physical health as well as social contacts and psychological stability can all start to suffer, and the risks can only increase if you keep going too hard.

What You Are Doing To Yourself

Ejaculations/orgasms consume resources such as nutrients and hormones, each one of which has a use elsewhere in your body. Critical nutrients like zinc and B-Complex get turned into semen. Levels of many neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin drop, having detrimental effects on your mental and emotional health.

On the other hand, various tissues throughout your body, especially in your brain, are swollen due to excessive levels of prostaglandin E-2.Too much cortisol in your system for too long reduces your immune system's effectiveness. The parasympathetic nervous system can't support your erections by manufacturing and releasing nitric oxide. And the list continues.

What Once Was Lost Can Still Be Found

Your health-care provider will offer an expert opinion on your progress as you work towards recovery, which can include any or all of the following ideas. You need to consume more fish oil and Vitamin D to rejuvenate your endocrine system, along with zinc and B-Complex to restore your general health. Start a moderate exercise regimen to raise your natural testosterone levels and fuel an improved sex life. Perhaps most importantly, you should consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement designed to help your body recover from sexual exhaustion at the stage you have reached.

[More Details +]

Views: 163

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59441

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