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How To Get Your Erection Back After Meth Use And Over Masturbation

A meth user who likes to masturbate learns how both drug use and over masturbation have caused a weak erection and how to detoxify his body to regain his sex life.

Case #: 449


I will be the first to admit that I have a bit of a masturbation problem. My day just isn't complete until I choke the chicken. If I have not masturbated in a day, I find any means possible for releasing my pent up sexual energy. I will cancel meetings with friends, stay up past my normal bedtime, or even leave work early just to masturbate. Am I an addict? Yes, somewhat. But come on, there are worse addictions than masturbation.

Along with masturbation, I used to do Crystal Meth. It made my masturbation way more intense and pleasurable. After a year of consuming the drug while masturbating, I noticed a major problem beginning to occur: I could no longer get an erection. It was as if someone had shut off the blood supply to my penis. No amount of porn, stimulation or even my girlfriend could jump start my erections. My penis just hung there like a dead grape vine. What have I done to myself?


Experimentation is not something that you should feel ashamed about, as it is a stage in life that a lot of people go through. However, it is important to understand what has happened, why it is happening and how you can fix it.

While you are right to think that your drug use might have something to do with your erectile dysfunction, you might be surprised to learn that excessive masturbation has likely contributed to the problem you are experiencing as well. Combined with the drugs, over masturbation can cause ineffectual side effects such as the one you are currently experiencing: Youth Impotence.

How Did It Happen?

When you inject drugs like Methamphetamine into your system, harmful toxins can enter the body. In addition to this, too much masturbation can cause havoc by removing hormones like testosterone, acetylcholine and dopamine from your body, all of which are necessary to maintain an erection.

The depletion of these neurotransmitters and hormonal imbalances can have a profound effect on your erection as they all have control over the amount of stimulation reaching your penile gland. Without these neurochemicals, the parasympathetic nerves in your penis is prevented from dilating, causing issues with achieving orgasms and seminal production. These are all problems commonly experienced due to over masturbation.

Meth, on the other hand, can cause very different issues that only compound what you are experiencing as a result of excessive masturbation. Taking this drug can send toxins to the liver, which can also have a profound effect on the parasympathetic nervous system.

In this case, Crystal meth prevents the nervous system that is responsible for digestion from getting the nutrients the body needs from food. The toxins can slow the system, ensuring that your body does not get the vitamins that it needs in order to produce the hormones and neurotransmitters that are necessary for a strong erection.

The Journey To Recovery

Sadly, the combination of both methamphetamine use and over masturbation indicates that you probably have a long road ahead of you. Your body will need to work its way through all of the toxic waste that has been created by your drug habit.

With time and effort, your liver will begin to heal itself and continue the natural process of turning nutrients into the hormones that are necessary for you to maintain an erection.

Unfortunately, the next step is no doubt going to be the hardest: You're going to have to stop all sexual activities. This means no pornography, no masturbation, and no sex. Your body needs to heal itself and any further sexual activity right now will only exacerbate the issue. Even if you really want to get off, chances are it's not going to be much fun unless you take the steps necessary to heal yourself.

How Do I Heal Myself?

Refraining from sexual activities isn't the only step you can take to aid in the process of healing your body. There are several things you can do to aid in detoxifying your liver and bringing your sex life back to normal. Obviously, detoxification isn't an easy process, but there are certain herbal remedies that can make it less painful. (see the remedy)

As we previously mentioned, your body has been deprived of a lot of vital nutrients and vitamins, so it's important to help get those back in your system as soon as possible. With the help of natural supplements, you can aid your liver in the detox process by expelling toxins and improving your immune system.

The most important thing to take away from this is that all is not lost. You may not have done irreparable damage to your liver or your penis, so it's important to stop your drug use while you can and begin the healing process. We wish you the best of luck on your journey to recovery!

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Views: 172

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 60132

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