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Too Much of a Good Thing – When Sex Leaves You Weak

He's living every man's dream: constant sex with his girlfriend, day in and day out. But all that sex has left him feeling tired and, well, soft. Can you relate? Hear one guy's frustrated story, and learn how you too can get back on the horse when too much sex leaves you feeling weak.

Case #: 661


I'm 25 and I've had a lot of sex with my girlfriend lately and I'm really worn out, like way too worn out. We've been doing it 2 or 3 times a day since she got back from a long trip and all of a sudden I'm really tired and can't sustain an erection for long. Did I overdo it or is there something else wrong with me? Thanks.


Sex can be cruel; there's no question about it. Most guys dread that they aren't getting enough of it, but when you do find yourself in a situation where have you unlimited access to sexual bliss, your own body gets in the way and says, “Whoa, whoa, I think that's enough for a while. Why don't you get a hobby?” It's completely unfair, but it's one of the cruel realities of life. I will say, however, that if you're having enough sex to be this exhausted, congratulations. You are the envy of men everywhere.

Down for the Count

If too much sex has left you feeling like the victim of a Tyson fight, there may be numerous issues at work. For starters, do you also masturbate? If so, you may want to implement a “hands-off” approach for a while.

If your body is experiencing orgasm after orgasm (it doesn't sound so bad on paper), you may be causing damage that spans numerous systems. From neurotransmitter depletion to hormone depletion, from chaffing to prostate inflammation...there are numerous possible causes at work, but one general solution.

Save your orgasms for when they really, when your naked girlfriend is lying on your bed.

And if Masturbation Isn't an Issue

But I'm only laying out possible scenarios here. Let's assume that you're not masturbating at all. If you're just constantly having sex, you still may be suffering from sexual exhaustion, for the same reasons outlined in the previous paragraph. An orgasm is an orgasm, no matter how you slice it (sorry, that was a very painful metaphor), and your Charlie-Sheen-caliber sex life can certainly leave you feeling drained. But you shouldn't have to push your girlfriend out of bed just because you're feeling a bit soft.

If you want to keep the party going, I might recommend a botanical formula that contains cuscuta, cornus, cnidium and similar herbs (SEE: Botanical Formula For Erection Rejuvenation). These have been shown to improve sexual function and promote stronger erections by increasing the level of nitric oxide in your body.

If that doesn't work, I would recommend that you see a doctor. It's probably nothing, but sometimes sexual dysfunction early in life can be an indicator of other underlying health problems, like pre-diabetes. So take care of yourself, and make the most of your explosive sex life.

[More Details +]

Views: 169

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Youth Impotence

Blog ID: 59234

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