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Excessive Viewing of Porn May Result in Erectile Dysfunction

Man cannot gain an erection due to sexual exhaustion.

Case #: 358


Before, I would watch pornography videos daily. I would get home, relax, and watch a porno. I loved watching porno movies. I watched so many, I knew the actresses by name. I didn’t have to see their faces; I knew who they were by just their bodies.

Now, I fear my excessive porno ventures have cost me my libido. Every woman I see no longer arouses me. When I do have sex, I cannot gain an erection. Even my once beloved porno videos no longer arouse me. Sex is now impossible for me to engage in because I cannot maintain an erection. Sometimes my erections will remain hard but disappear midway during sex. Please, I beg you, help me!


When you’re young, porn serves as a nice stimulant to arouse the body. Porn exposes you to different techniques and sexual positions. Porn can even expose you to new fantasies. Those are some positives about porn; the negatives are much longer, if you addicted to it. Porn can debar an erection. Porn can negatively stimulate the mind. Porn can alter your image of women, causing you to objectify them. Porn can lead to excessive masturbation. Porn can even ruin your sexual inhibitions.

The Destruction of Porn
Porn conditions your mind to respond to sex in a very objective way. You get aroused by watching hyperactive images appear on your screen. When you see a woman before you, you cannot get stimulated because you do not see her in the same hyperactive way your mind is accustom to. Pornography also stimulates the androgen hormones, which can lead to adrenal and sex organ fatigue.

When watching pornography, the brain releases dopamine. When high levels of dopamine remain present for long periods of time, the adrenal glands overproduce epinephrine and put the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight. When the body remains in a prolonged state of flight-or-flight, it becomes exhausted and releases prostaglandin E-2, an inflammatory hormones used to relax muscles.

The hormone prostaglandin E-2, when elevated to abnormal levels for prolonged periods, damages tissues, nerves and joints. Damage to these bodily functions can lead to your current predicament: lacking the ability to maintain an erection during sex.

The Plan of Reconstruction
Lay off the porn! No porn, no masturbation, not even an inclination to have sex. Your body is in complete disarray. It needs to heal itself and regain its proper balance of hormones. If you want to speed up the process, try all-natural botanical remedy for restoraing penile tissues & erection strength. If your will power is not enough or suffering from depletion of serotonin and other neurotransmitters, take Mind Control solution to help conquer porn addictio

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Views: 156

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, Youth Impotence

Blog ID: 60973

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