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Does Having Hernia Surgery Lead To Impotence

His hernia surgery may have caused him impotence

Case #: 247


Is it possible to get impotence from hernia surgery? I had surgery for a hernia, and my doctor told me to take it easy. Since the time after my surgery, I can no longer gain or maintain an erection.


Yes, it is certainly possible that your hernia surgery contributed to your impotence. Your hernia surgery has likely damaged some of the nerves associated with erectile and testicular function. The outcome has produced scar tissue that may be blocking the local blood circulation to the penis and testicles. Some men will also sufferred chronic postoperative pain in the genital area.

You need to rejuvenate your neuro-endocrine function and boost your prostaglandin E-1 & E-3, oxytocin and nitric oxide production for stronger erections and orgasm. Cistanche, and Rehmannia help to rejuvenate the entire body, while Cnidium, Schisandria, and Curculigo increase blood flow and nutrient absorption for a harder erection. For more on erection improvement and penile tissue rejuvenation take Botanical Formula for Erection Rejuvenation for accelerated recovery.

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Views: 155

Ideas: Men's, Impotence

Blog ID: 58856

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