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I'm 18 and I Have a 4 in by 1 3/4 Inch Penis And It Isn't Getting Any Bigger

Here we find a young man who is about to enter his sexual prime and his penis hasn’t gotten that news yet;it’s still reliving its earlier years—size wise—while he patiently waits for it to play catch-up.How can he jar his penis back to the present,and get it onto the same page…?



About what age does the penis stop growing?I'm 18 and I have a 4 in by 1 3/4 in penis and it isn't getting any bigger.Would there be any ways of increasing this size?


“It’s not the size it’s how you use it.”The woman says,as many women usually say while trying to be as politically correct as possible.

“How’s a guy going to be pleasing you while packing an elevator button penis?”The man responds.


Due,I don’t Care What the Studies Say…Studies Schmudies!

While“packing an elevator button penis”may be an exaggeration in most cases,many men are not satisfied in the least with what God gave them.In spite of studies such as one conducted by Indiana University which concludes that the average penis size isn’t a John Holmes porn actor sized shlong,it’s merely 5.5”inches,some men still feel that they just don’t“measure up”in terms of size;even if they’re in that general ballpark.

Other studies indicate that women don’t necessarily favor length;they are more inclined to get excited about a man’s penile girth.But you can’t tell that to many men,who still feel that what they’re packin’just isn’t going to be winning any awards at the Big Dong Show;and in fact won’t even come close.This can lead to becoming obsessive about one’s penis size in relation to others,resulting in some men embarking on a mythical quest to seek out some sort of Holy Grail of penis enlargement.

Unfortunately,this can result in many men desperately trying different dangerous methods in order to improve their size,such as putting their little fellow under the knife;potentially causing irrevocable harm to their members.Others can resort to trying out whacky penis pumps or penile weight lifting regimens,which can both cause major tissue and nerve damage,and also result in stunted growth and soft erections.So what is a healthy way to gain penis size?

Be Careful Where You Seek Solutions

The best way to stimulate penile growth is from within.Dangerous stretching and pulling exercises such as Jelqing will only result in harming your penis and we don’t want that do we?Growth-stimulating natural botanical mixtures contain the all“right stuff”for penile size enhancement,(SEE:Penile Tissue&Growth Herbal Formula)including such herbs as Ginseng,which promotes nitric oxide production and blood circulation for added penile blood engorgement,and Fo Ti,which boosts liver function and helps the body to better metabolize nutrients,resulting in both hormone production and soft tissue regeneration.

Over time,these and other botanicals can permanently increase your penis size,but it doesn’t happen overnight;you must have patience,self-discipline,and an otherwise healthy lifestyle to reap the benefits of a more impressive package downstairs.It can,however,be accomplished…so get started today!

What to do

Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation&Growth

There are many ways to enhance and enlarge the size of the penis.Methods with relatively faster results also carry higher risks.With this formula,you can safely grow your penis without the added risks

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Views: 217

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 60342

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