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I Can’t Shut it Off! – Issues Related to Premature Ejaculation

Let’s check out this interesting case study involving a gentleman who has been depressed for some time but is now taking antidepressants to manage this issue. Because of the medication, he is now experiencing an inability to withhold his ejaculations. How can he get past this issue?

Case #: 908


I’ve been depressed now for 11 years. I’ve been abused—both mentally and physically. I’ve lived on the street, in homeless centers and halfway houses. After years of living on the streets, I have my life together—well, mostly. Now my only major problem stems from the depression.

I take antidepressants to quell the pain from my past experiences. And while the pills work, they ineffectually led to another problem: premature ejaculation. Now it seems the pills meant to cure me are actually harming me. What can I do?


Depression is a condition that can have us feeling as if we’re in a deep, dark hole. Wherever you feel depressed, a dark shroud seems to be hovering above your head, blocking any light from shining down upon you. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 10 Americans have experienced depression. And I personally believe that figure to be higher, mostly because of the unreported cases from returning military personnel.

You’re Not Alone

Understandably, people (including you) have turned to medication in order to combat this mental illness. Unfortunately, taking anti-depressants can result in some relief, but also be harmful and be the cause of numerous side effects; premature ejaculation is just one of many issues.

The parasympathetic nervous system, part of the autonomic nervous system, directs conduits of nerves that control not only the valve for urine release, but also the ejaculatory duct. When the nervous system experiences interferences to its nerve impulses, the ejaculatory duct cannot contain an ejaculation. And because medications for attention deficit disorder and depression use selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors that interfere with DHT receptors in your body, the medications alter essential nerve impulses that inflames the prostate gland while inhibiting the ejaculatory valve, which results in the “big boom” coming (no pun intended) sooner than expected.

A Healthy Recharge

Fortunately, this is a condition that is very treatable; you just have to have a little self-discipline. Since these medications can interfere with your body’s bioelectrical impulses (which control your parasympathetic system) you can recharge the body by stimulating your brain-adrenal-testicular function. One way that you can start to do this is by reducing the amount of sexual activity you engage in, by that meaning no more than 3 times per week. You may also be interested in taking a natural herbal formula to help you in your recovery. (TRY: Herbal Calming Solution for Premature Ejaculation) These specialized herbs can help to calm your stress levels naturally, as well as stimulate your brain’s sensory nerves, and also rejuvenate your neurotransmitters which are crucial in regaining control over your weakened ejaculatory nerves.

As you begin to regain control of your parasympathetic nervous system be careful not to slide back into any excessive masturbatory habits or your recovery process will be hindered and possibly not work as well. So invest in yourself and recover the natural way.

[More Details +]

Views: 159

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 58971

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