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Overcoming the Masturbation Habit & Reverse Detrimental Hormonal Imbalance

A 19 year old male who is not sexually active but does masturbate is suffering from lightheadedness, weak erections and poor orgasms.

Case #: 523


I am a 19 year old male. I am not sexually active, but I do masturbate a lot. I do it almost every day and have since I was 11 years old. I read on the website that I should not masturbate every day, so I have tried to cut it down to about once every 5 days. I decided I should cut down on my masturbation after I realized that my orgasms have become week and I cannot keep a hard erection. It comes time that my left testicle shrunk a lot. I also get light headed and sometimes I cannot stand any light. I eat healthy and do not drink or smoke. I am also taking 50gm of zinc, Vitamin C and a multivitamin. I also drink green tea on a daily basis. I suppose these measures help my health, but not really helping my masturbation addiction. I was hoped that these would help improve my erections and orgasms, but so far they have not. What can I do to improve my sexual health?


It sounds like you are suffering from a hormonal imbalance. When you have sex or in your case, masturbate, your body releases HGH, DHEA and testosterone. If your body does not have the required nutrients necessary for recovery, these hormones become depleted and you will suffer from the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance.

These symptoms can include a weak erection and an unimpressive orgasm. Some men even experience testicle pain and shrinkage.

You aren’t the only man who has ever had this problem. I have known many with similar symptoms and problems. It is not uncommon for young men to masturbate often, but if it becomes excessive, sexual dysfunction can result.

Since you have been masturbating for such a long period of time, it is likely that the hormones on your body are at very low levels. The good news is, you can build your hormone levels back up and start to feel better soon. It may take some time, but with a healthy diet and the right treatment plan, you can be back to experiencing strong hard erections and orgasms that make your toes curl.

Rub It Out

There are a few exercises and massage techniques you can do to help relieve your symptoms. The testicular massage technique works best if it is done in the morning. This is when your DHEA, HGH and testosterone levels are at their highest and when your testicles will respond the best. The massage will get the blood circulating to your genital area and help relieve any inflammation that may be causing pain or discomfort. It will also prevent testicle shrinkage and improve sexual functions.

Natural Remedies

The best way to stay healthy sexually is to eat right, stay active and live a healthy lifestyle. You mentioned that you do not drink or smoke and eat right. These are all steps in the right direction and will help balance your hormones and improve your recovery time. You also need to take look into some herbal supplements that will help boost your sexual recovery and improve the production of hormones. (remedy: use botanical solution to restore erection power).

Combine these natural remedies with the massage technique and your hormone levels will become balanced in no time. Continue to restrain from masturbating every day to give your hormones a chance to build back up in your body. Remember, you are still young and have plenty of sexual fun ahead of you. Enjoy your life and your healthy penis and testicles. (remedy: kick the masturbation addiction out)

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Views: 170

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Youth Impotence

Blog ID: 61707

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