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He’s Blowing It With the New Girl in His Life—Is Stress Causing His Premature Ejaculation?

He’s a calm, collected man, but he’s begun losing his cool over his recent problems of premature ejaculation. He’s just begun a new relationship, but is having trouble keeping himself from blowing it—literally. He wants a homeopathic approach to keeping himself in order, what do we have to offer him?
Case #:2054

I’m a pretty mellow guy; I do a lot of meditation and yoga, and feel I’m on a pretty even keel. Lately, however, I’ve had a terrible issue with premature ejaculation. I’ve just begun a relationship with a wonderful human being, and she’s so very special to me that I worry extensively over my sexual technique. I haven’t been with many women, and this fact seems exacerbated by my recent problems. Is there any sort of natural, holistic advice you can offer me?

Well, the first thing I can tell you is that you’re creating your own issues by worrying so much, as you might have already guessed. The more stress and nervousness a man feels before and during sex, the more likely he is to prematurely ejaculate. This is due to the cortisol released by his body during these sessions of anxiety.
Sexy Serotonin

Cortisol is naturally depresses serotonin production in the brain. The body needs certain levels of serotonin for normal function, one of these functions being properly timed ejaculation. Actually, it’s been proven that anti-depressants in the form of SSRIs—or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors—allow men to last longer in bed, due to an increase in serotonin levels in the brain.
Mental Tension

However, I don’t think your problem stems from deep-seated depression. I think it’s a topical issue relating to the newness of your relationship, and your fear of ruining it by accident. Surely your meditation and yoga must be doing something for this stress you feel, but it wouldn’t be surprising that you’re still finding it difficult to cope with. I highly recommend that you loosen up and look at the problem from an objective point of view. Certainly she’s interested in more than your bedroom performance, or it wouldn’t have gone this far.
Take a Break

Perhaps now is a good time to take one step back and stop having full sexual intercourse. You can work on what both you like best as far as sexual technique, up to the point of intercourse, which will definitely be pleasurable and enlightening for both of you. Besides that, I do have one recommendation you can begin today that I believe will assist you immensely in your problem.
Hand Over Foot

Reflexology has the ability to access parts of the body and to stimulate them via the palms of the hand or the soles of the feet. There is a specific regimen concerning stimulation of select parts of the body, including several important glands and hormone production centers. (TRY: Reflexology Treatment for Relief from Premature Ejaculation) I think this could be the solution you’re looking for, as it will assist your body in overcoming the stress sensations you’re experiencing, while keeping your body free of any pharmaceutical assistance.
Please don’t stress yourself out any more. I’m sure you’ll soon see an easement to your discomfort. Give yourself the chance to recover naturally.

What to do

Reflexology Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

Reflexology stimulates the nervous system, blood flow, and organs of the body through trigger points that congregate in the hands and feet. Applying pressure to these specific locations can alleviate premautre ejaculation symtpoms.

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Views: 160

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59364

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