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Space Sperm – Your Guide to Recovering from Burning Pee Pees

Here we find a young man in distress; he’s experiencing pain each time he urinates. What is the cause of this and how can he recover?

Case #: 1875


Well I’m a healthy 23 year-old guy…well at least I was before I started to feel this pains down below. I masturbate every day, sometimes all day on the weekends, and now I’m feeling pains every time that I take a leak. I haven’t been having sex with anyone so I’m thinking that it might have something to do with my jack-off sessions?
Please help me!


When I was just a young buck, my grandfather (an part-time astronomer) used to pull me into his garage (hey! Not what you think) and show me the different telescopes that he’d been working on. Not only did he put them together but he also ground their lenses. Talk about commitment! We’d go outside and try out a couple of them. I certainly was in awe of seeing stars that the naked eye couldn’t see, and that led to a lifelong fascination with astronomy and astrophysics.

“…Where No Man Has Gone Before…”

You can only imagine my excitement when I watched movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Star Trek series, and most recently the amazing (in terms of visual effects) Gravity. In this latest film, viewers were treated to a fully-immersive cadre of effects which left one feeling as though they were right there in space with the actors in their spacesuits. I never would have comprehended that we’d be witnessing movies such as this as a child.

Your Own Sperm Suit

What does all of this have to do with sex? Well, after a man gets all excited and ready for some good old hanky-panky – and neural impulses shoot down to his private parts, his prostate becomes involved in putting together a batch of semen, including not only sperm, but inflammatory compounds such as histamines, cytokines, and prostaglandin E-2.

Similar to a space suit in space, these additional compound facilitate the passage of semen through the ejaculatory duct, through the urethra, and out to someone or something. Too much sex or masturbation can cause these factors to eventually wear down the ejaculation tract and can cause a whole plethora of problems, including bloody and/or painful urinations, incontinence, and prostate inflammation and swelling. So how do you reverse this dangerous trend?

Repairing Your Suit

In addition to reducing the amount of times that you masturbate weekly (3 to 4 per week is okay), taking a powerful botanical solution can greatly help with your recovery process. (SEE: Advanced Herbal Remedy for Prostate & Urinary Health) How? Well, they contain potent herbs which can reduce not only toxins within your body, but also quell the inflammation which is burning throughout it.

Rehmannia can reduce the amount of heat in your lower abdominal cavity, while Dianthus can expel this unwanted and excess heat out though the urine itself, thereby eliminating urination pains. Others herbs, such as Ophiopogon, induce urination for more frequent expulsions of toxins and accumulated inflammatory factors.

So get your prostate and bladder back on track and live a pain-free life style once again. What are you waiting for?

What to do

Traditional Chinese Medicine For Urinary & Prostate Inflammation

Ba Zheng Urinary & Prostate Formula is one of the most popular formulas recorded in the medical textbook, Imperial Grace Formulary, which dates back a few hundred years.

[More Details +]

Views: 220

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Prostatitis

Blog ID: 61408

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