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My Erections Resembled Cooked Noodles Flopping Back And Forth...But Now

Too much masturbation can carry a whirlwind of side effects, including sexual exhaustion, weak erections, blurred vision and even hearing problems. How is this possible? Learn the facts, and hear about one man's struggle.

Case #: 437


My girlfriend and I partake in plenty of oral sex and foreplay. During these activities, I can maintain an erection just fine. In fact, I can feel my erections poking a hole in my jeans because of their sheer power. During sex, my erections resemble cooked noodles flopping back and forth. Each time I try to engage in sex, my erections revert to the feeling of cooked noodles. Now, I am afraid to engage in sex with my girlfriend in fear of the problem reoccurring. Please note, I am in a long-distant relationship, which causes me to over masturbate about 4-5 times a day when my girlfriend is away. My excessive masturbation caused my vision to blur, ears to ring and back to ache. Could masturbation be the culprit for my current predicament?


As you've already seen firsthand, excessive masturbation can have some pretty extensive side effects. In moderation, masturbation is an extremely healthy—not to mention pleasurable—activity, but if you spend half of each day with your hand between your legs, you're going to start noticing the unfriendly scourge of masturbation overload.

That means weak erections, sexual exhaustion, and yes, even blurred vision and ringing ears. But how is that possible?

What Does Masturbation Have to Do with Vision and Hearing?

Yes, when it comes to over-masturbation, you have more to worry about than just chaffing.

Excessive ejaculation leads to a chaotic cocktail of chemical reactions inside your body, and that contributes to hormone imbalance and neurotransmitter (brain chemical) depletion. As you expend those important neurotransmitters like dopamine, acetylcholine and serotonin, you may notice an impact on other bodily functions, including vision and hearing.

Why is My Erection So Weak?

If you want to maintain a strong, firm erection, you need to keep your testosterone levels in balance. As previously mentioned, over-masturbation leads to hormonal imbalances by depleting your reserves. Testosterone perhaps suffers most of all. That also explains your sexual exhaustion. Masturbation is fun, but all things are best enjoyed in moderation. Weak erection can ultimately lead to impotence if not addressed early on, so definitely heed these warnings. Don't let your orgasm become your chemical dependency.

So How Do We Get the Assembly Line Working Properly Again?

Are you tired of feeling inadequate as your half-flaccid penis struggles to stay afloat during sex? Are you sick of grappling with an array of physical side effects from too much masturbation? Well you're certainly not alone, but there's good news. With the right combination of natural herbs, you can offset the irritating side effects of excessive masturbation and restore your penis to its rock-hard former glory.

For example, did you know that Cuscuta and Maca can improve your firmness, while Butea Superba improves the blood flow to your penis? That's not all. Pyrola can add energy and vitality to your sex drive, while Sarsaparilla Jamaican replenishes your testosterone. They works synergically to fix poor quality erection problem (see how it works).

Bear in mind that these are natural herbs, which human beings have used for centuries to promote their good health. By combining and harnessing these herbal remedies, you can get your sex life back on track – and get rid of those annoying secondary side effects like blurred vision and buzzing ear. Take action, and take control of your sexual health.

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Views: 161

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Youth Impotence

Blog ID: 59319

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