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Reinventing The Erection: The Natural way For Longevity

Learn about how you too, can control your own ejaculation destiny. Don't let premature ejaculation get in the way of your sex life.

Case #: 1932


I have been having a problem with climaxing too soon for a while now. It's starting to get pretty embarrassing, and I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm getting older. Is there anything I can take to make it stop, or at least hold off ejaculation longer?


There are many reasons why a man might experience some mild premature ejaculation from time to time. Some of those reasons include, but are not limited to; Depression, anxiety, new sexual partners, or having sex after a long period of not being intimate. It happens to the best of us, but wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to go through the whole embarrassing ordeal in the first place?
Causes Of Premature Ejaculation
Unfortunately, premature ejaculation is not like the flu or a common cold. You can really never tell when it's going to happen. There aren't any clear cut signs that you might be shamed in the bedroom that night. However, catching the bodily malfunction in its early stages of progression will help to gain back more staying power before you lose it all over time.
Is It Treatable?
Many mild cases of premature ejaculation usually clear up on their own. Most would not even qualify to be categorized as a legitimate case, for that matter. There are men out there that really suffer through countless premature ejaculation experiences. And for these men, I would definitely recommend utilizing a natural remedy that includes ingredients such as Cuscuta, Ostrea Gigas, Cinnamon Twig, and Cornus. (TRY: Cuscuta for Premature Ejaculation Control)
These organic herbs will help you to greatly increase your testosterone levels, heighten sexual stamina, fortify the ejaculation valve for better endurance, and reduce prostate inflammation. Most of these herbs, specifically the cuscuta will increase fertility and the actual quality of your erections.
Other Methods
Many men who go through the waves of premature ejaculation, find it very helpful to use the herbs with a meditation combo. Getting your breathing practices sorted out can be very beneficial to all men who feel that they get way too excited extremely fast.
By spending as little as five minutes a day, deeply breathing in a full breath, and holding it for about the length of time it takes to count to three, you will greatly reduce your climactic reaction time.
It's the quick, shallow breaths that intensify the sexual experience, but it also over stimulates the pleasure points into over load.
Theoretically, if you can get a hold of your breathing during intercourse, you may also be able to withstand the most pleasurable of moments throughout without climaxing too soon. Not to mention, meditation is a great way for all of us to regain composure in our hectic lives. A lot can be gained from just sitting till for a few minutes each day.

What to do

Cuscuta Herbal Pills For Premature Ejaculation & Low Testosterone

Increase testosterone production with this formula to help combat male menopause, low sex drive and premature ejaculation. 

[More Details +]

Views: 195

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59652

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