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Beta-Blockers? More Like Boner-Blockers: One Man’s Struggles to Overcome His High Blood Pressure and His Erectile Dysfunction

He’s making no bones about his lack of boners lately. He was just diagnosed with high blood pressure, and has been taking his meds assiduously. He thinks his penile dilemmas started from that point, but doesn’t know for sure. What’s going on here, and what can he do now?
Case #: 2089

I’m forty-three years old, and I’ve been experiencing problems with my erections. They are oftentimes not as hard as I would like them to be, with no cause that I can see. I was diagnosed with high-blood pressure (my doctor says it’s probably due to my rather sedentary lifestyle), and I’ve begun taking the recommended medications for it. My problems have only started after I started these meds, so I’m wondering if the issue is related to that. Thoughts?

Yes, it’s a little known fact that the very medications prescribed to assist with high blood pressure can insidiously create problems for male sexuality. I think it very probable that your problems stem from your use of medication.
Bad Medicine

Both diuretics and beta-blockers negatively impact the levels of testosterone in the body, among other anti-erection properties they have, such as lowering blood volume entirely. A recent study has shown that all beta-blockers negatively affect testosterone, some to an aggravated degree. Diuretics, as they flush the body of excess minerals etc. also zinc from the body, an important compound necessary for testosterone production.
Unknown Assailant
Why is it so bad to be low in testosterone? It’s interesting how little a thing interests us until it becomes the root of our problems. We normally don’t need to worry about our hormonal function, and in general, I would say we don’t know a whole lot about how they work, or what they do. But in many and many an instance, hormones are the cause of the problem, as well as the key to the solution. Such is also true in your case.
Man Maker

Testosterone is an essential male hormone. Without it, you will suffer all kinds of negative sexual side effects. It controls the quantity of erections through the production of nitric oxide. It determines the quality of erections through the health of the tissues and blood vessels of the penis, and, indeed, the entire body. It creates arousal through neurochemical signaling to the brain and pituitary. It sustains libido through alternate chemical means. When you’re low in testosterone, the entire process of male sexuality grinds to a halt. And that’s what you’re currently experiencing.
Quick and Clever

Now, as I mentioned above, you need to stay on your meds until you get your blood pressure down. Diet and exercise can help, and can keep your levels more in order. But while you wait for that to happen, which might be never—not everyone wants to rearrange their life to suit a medical diagnosis—you can improve your erections, and remove the need to change your life around to solve the problem.
Happier Faster, With Herbal Assistance

Curculigo Orchiodes, or Xian Mao, is an herb that contains natural phenols—chemical compounds that assist your body in testosterone production. This plant in particular has been proven to boost testosterone production in men, and has thus been chosen as a positively promoted plant for men suffering from testosterone-related erectile dysfunction. I believe beginning an herbal supplement featuring this helpful flower will get your erections back in no time, and how! (TRY: Curculigo for ED Reversal) Why wait? Start regaining your sex life today.

What to do

Fixing E.D. with Curculigo

According to recent studies, 25% of males age 50 and above report erectile problems.

[More Details +]

Views: 197

Ideas: Men's, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 59959

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