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Some Methods To Recover From Curved & Deformed Penis

Years of masturbation have left massive scar tissue on his penis. Now, his penis is deformed.

Case #: 29463


As a 23-year old, I began masturbating at a very early age. I discovered masturbation at age 11. Since then, I have engaged in the act regularly, often as many as 3 times a day. I became addicted to the activity. My addiction took hold of me. I found myself doing everything possible to ensure that I just got that “release.” Now, I find my constant urges have ruined my body. Over the last few months, I have noticed my penis slowly deform. It once would erect straight and hard; now, it’s now curved and soft. My deformity makes it difficult to engage in sex. I cannot stay hard for long, and even my endurance seems to be lacking. What have I done to myself?


Abusive masturbation can actuate the production of scar tissue resulted in your damaged curved penis (Peyronie's Disorder). In your case, it seems your active lifestyle has caused a bit of a problem. If you continue to masturbate, your erect penis will look like the shape of a frown rather than an erect tower.

Men in your case, tend to worry about the curvature. The contorted shape alarms most men. Seeing their penis look like a candy cane is not the most appealing & very embarrasing standing nake in front of your lover. Despite the unappealing image, you can heal yourself.

Enough Masturbation!
Masturbation, especially when done in excess, can cause scar tissue to form around your penis. Think of your penis as one giant combination of tissue and blood vessels. When it takes extensive damage, it starts to form scar tissue. The scar tissue will create an uneven growth around the penis. Each time you masturbate that growth will start to contort and curve. The longer you engage in masturbation, the more curvature you will experience. In order to get that straight, rock-hard feeling, you will have to soften the scar tissues and re-grow the underdeveloped tissues. This process can take anywhere from 4-12 months.

The Healing Process
The body can naturally heal itself and eliminate the scar tissue. However, this process can take years to occur, mainly because the you will gain an erection and want to engage in sex. Any type of sexual activity with the overgrowth of scar tissue will further slow the process of restoring your penis to its original state. If you wish to speed up the process, the best way to do so would be by taking herbal rejuvenating formula and massage your penis using Huiyin technique that aid in the restoration of healthy tissue and the elimination or scar tissue.

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