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The Size Never Lies: The Story of a 30-Year-Old's Quest For a Larger Penis

Penis enlargement may seem like a difficult equation to solve, but it's not nearly as complicated as you might think. Learn the facts, and expand your manhood.
Case #:1602

I have been doing the ballooning method and have seen a result but I am still not satisfied with my size. I want to be able to pleasure my partner when we get married. I want to gain more size in length and girth. Do you know of any other methods of lengthening because I know that my method is far from perfect? My health is good and I just want to have a bigger penis. I think improving the size will make it incredible. If you have any clues, please let me know.

There's no better gift that you can give your partner than the gift of a ginormous-sized dong (except diamonds; always go with diamonds). Of course, penis enlargement is no simple enterprise, especially if you're hung like a squirrel to begin with. The ballooning method offers great potential, as you yourself have noted, but it's not going to transform you from the Geico lizard into Godzilla. For that, you'll need to tap into the very hormones that provide your penis with its function in the first place. This is entirely possible to achieve, but it's going to take a bit of time and patience, and a little helping hand from nature.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: A 34-year-old wants to discover how he can grow his penis at a faster pace without the fear of damaging repercussions. If you want to improve your size, find out how! For even better results, leave your comments for our experts below.
Your Solution: Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth
Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview
The Fundamentals of Penis Enlargement

For those who don't know, the ballooning method is pretty simple. By prolonging your erection, you fill your penis with added levels of testosterone, thereby promoting increased size and perhaps forcing your partner to take extra yoga classes just to accommodate your rapidly expanding size (okay, so perhaps that's a slight exaggeration). But the ballooning method will only take you so far.
After a while, your body becomes acclimated to the process, and you no longer experience the impressive rate of growth that previously had you showering at the gym just to show off (yeah, we noticed). When that tragic day occurs, it's time to pursue other avenues for penis enlargement, and I don't mean selling your soul to the devil – though that might work as well.
For Continued Growth

I'd like you to familiarize yourself with 5 simple but powerful ingredients: Cistanche, Cuscuta, Deer Antler, Fo Ti and Ginseng. These botanical ingredients will help you to kick start your endocrine system with increased production of key hormones like testosterone, HGH and DHEA. When you launch these juices into orbit, you can expect to experience increased growth in as little as three weeks.
Over a period of months, you should notice significant growth, the likes of which might have porn executives knocking at your door and begging you to sign a multi-million-dollar contract (well, a boy can dream, anyway). There are a number of herbal remedies formulated with these ingredients, and I recommend that you start taking one today. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Penis Growth & Tissue Restoration) With the growth you experience, you should soon begin to notice a renewed sense of sexual dominance, and when that fateful wedding night does finally arrive, your bride will wish she had packed extra lubricant.

What to do

Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth

There are many ways to enhance and enlarge the size of the penis. Methods with relatively faster results also carry higher risks. With this formula, you can safely grow your penis without the added risks.

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Views: 174

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 59437

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