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Persistent Anxiety – The Ultimate Boner Shrinker

His nerves were killing his sex life, but he just couldn't get his anxiety under control. If you can relate, read on and find out what you can do.

Case #: 748


I experience intense anxiety at times. I cannot drive a car without experiencing some worry or fear. When I am around large crowds, I too experience bursts of anxiety. My anxiety causes me to sweat, breathe hard and even panic. And all this worry and fear makes sex impossible. I cannot get an erection fine, but it’s the actual act that prevents me from enjoying sex. I always ejaculate too fast to enjoy sex. And now, I am getting anxious my partner will leave me.


For the anxious among us, sex can be truly trying endeavor. From weak erection to premature ejaculation, it's as if you're bringing your own worst fears to life (hint: you are). On the one hand, your libido fills you with insatiable sexual desire, but on the other hand, you just can't seem to keep it going for the length of a satisfying sexual experience. It's like being starving but unable to hold down food. Obviously the key is to get those restless nerves under control, but for someone whose life is defined by persistent anxiety, that's much easier said than done.

It's About More Than Sex

Have you spoken with a professional about your anxiety? Research shows that those nerves can do much more than just derail your sex life. In time, they can contribute to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and a variety of other deadly physical manifestations, so it's definitely worth your while to nip the problem in the bud. If you haven't already done so, consider reaching out to a qualified counselor and getting to the root of your anxiety. The Affordable Care Act includes allowances for mental health services, so if you have even basic insurance, getting affordable help is easier than ever before.

Now I recognize that overcoming anxiety can be a lifelong battle, and if you're like most young and healthy guys, you want to start having great sex right now! Hey, there's nothing wrong with that, and fortunately, you don't have to put your sex life on hold while you wage war against the fearful voices within. There are things you can do right now to start enjoying the love life you deserve.

Herbs for a More Fulfilling Sex Life

You know the voices all too well. They tell you that you're not attractive enough, that she's too good for you, that you're probably going to embarrass yourself as soon as you get under the sheets. The more you allow these voices to persist, the more you're going to sabotage your own great time.

Fortunately, there are a variety of calming herbal remedies which help by reducing stress and restoring optimal nervous system function. (SEE: Calming Herbs For Premature Ejaculation) Herbs like Cinnamon Twig and Passion Flower are especially useful to this end. Try some of yourself, and enjoy sex as it was meant to be experienced: a purely physical and beautiful sensation completely devoid of mind chatter. You'll see that once you lose yourself in the experience, it's really not so bad.

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Views: 115

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59956

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