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Malfunctions – Problems Associated With Excessive Masturbation

Over masturbation can have a number of consequences. This gentleman has been having a little too much playtime, and not enough rest time. He is now stuck in a vicious cycle of endless self-sexy time, which has him suffering from an array of unwanted symptoms.

Case #: 593


I have a lot of symptoms listed under chronic fatigue. Now I have also noticed that I have blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, dizziness, memory loss, pain in my left testicle and no morning erections. What’s wrong with me!


Hardware Failure

I love my computer; as a matter of fact, I’m on it right now typing away at this case study. Nowadays, we all remain reliant on devices such as computers. And just think of something going wrong…oh my goodness the horror! When our devices break, we go into an almost alarmist state.

And when something as simple as your main power-supply fan breaking, the damage can be instant and catastrophic. Similarly to how your computer’s fan regulates the heat levels, your body contains mechanisms that control harmful chemicals while using anti-oxidants to eliminate dangerous disease-causing free radicals.

Just as easily as a computer’s fan can fail, too much fun with yourself, i.e. excessive masturbation, can lead to your body burning out, especially with an insufficient recovery time. Now, your internal fan is sputtering and running on low, and your body’s various components are being overtaxed.

Since you are masturbating or having sex too much, you are depriving your body of the neurochemicals needed for healthy sight, hearing, and mental and sexual function. This lack of chemicals is also causing you to experience dry orgasms, or retrograde ejaculation, which is a result of your bladder muscles not being able to close your bladder during climax. Instead of your semen coming out of the tip of your penis (urethra), it’s shooting backward into your bladder.

Repair Shop Drop-Off

It’s time to drop your CPU off at a repair shop and chill out for a little bit while your fan and other overtaxed components get patched up. Taking up a healthy diet and eating unprocessed foods will really help your body refuel itself with proper nutrients. And refraining from masturbation for a few weeks will finally give your body the rest it needs in order to replenish its resources.

While your body’s in the shop, taking natural herbal formula (see: Chronic Fatigue & Exhaustion Tincture) can only help you in your fixing up period, and since they are all natural, there are no harmful, unhealthy side-effects. They can help to stabilize your hormonal levels, which in turn will start to alleviate your depression and fatigue.

This will also allow you to get more sleep, which in turn will boost your liver’s ability to dispose of harmful waste and toxic chemicals in your body, such as the oxidants that are damaging the nerves within your irises. These ancient healing formulas can also help to restore the neurochemicals crucial for healthy auditory nerves. As a result of your liver and kidneys functioning more efficiently, your back pain will eventually disappear; you’ll have those morning hard ones again; and you’ll be back to being that raging tiger!

[More Details +]

Views: 145

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 62643

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