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How to Respond to the Side Effects of Anti-Depressants

His use of antidepressants have caused weak erections, low libido, and penile shrinkage.

Case #: 29070


For the past few years, I’ve taken antidepressants. The drugs worked at improving my well-being. However, they too have created new problems, i.e., weak erections and low libido. Now, I cannot manage to gain a decent erection. When I do gain one, I cannot keep it for longer than 5 minutes.

Weak erections make sex impossible. When I try to engage in sex with my partner, I feel embarrassed because of the sudden lack of excitement. Even she tries vehemently to get it up, but her efforts remain futile. I want to regain my once powerful erections. I want to please my partner. I want to feel like a man again. Please, tell me what’s wrong with me!


The most common side effects of SSRIs antidepressants are low libido, weak erections, and non-existent orgasms. Long-term use of SSRIs can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as more depression/stress/anxiety. To fix your problem, you need to find alternatives to SSRIs to balance your body again.

Why SSRIs Cause More Problems
SSRIs flood the interneuron synapses with excessive serotonin. Serotonin, a vital neurotransmitter, can reduce the effectiveness of other essential neurotransmitters, e.g.,
acetylcholine and dopamine.

When acetylcholine remains ineffective, your erections start to disappear. Why? Because acetylcholine controls heart rate and erections. As for dopamine, its purpose is to provide pleasure to the body. When it remains ineffective, activities that were once fun and enjoyable no longer feel the same.

The overloading of serotonin creates a down-modulation of the acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous systems, a phenomenon that starts weakening erection and deactivating the dopamine and sympathetic nervous system necessary for a powerful libido.

Your Options
The root of your problem stems from the antidepressants. The solution is to remove your dependency from the drugs; however, without the drugs, you can fall into a depression. Instead, you need to find substitutes to keep your mind happy and your erections strong.

As for your weak erections and low libido, you can take all-natural supplements (TRY: botanical remedy for weak erection) that will balance hormone and neurotransmitter levels to increase your erection quality, allowing you to regain your sex life back.

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Views: 141

Ideas: Men's, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 61810

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