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Botanical Solutions for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile drugs may offer a convenient fix for weak erections, but other erectile dysfunction issues remain prevalent . For men who are tired and suffering from the harmful side effects of erectile drugs, it’s time to fix

the fundamental cause with a natural approach.

This formula produces synergistic effects that pave the groundwork for
Formulated To Fix Unsustainable & Soft Erection Based On These Healing Herbs: 

According to scientists, Cnidium (also known as She Chuang Zi)

contains cnidiadin, O-acetylcolumbianetin, and cnidimine induce Nitric Oxide production, ingredients that prevent against oxidative damages. [1]

The Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica states that the ingredients inside the Cnidium plant, “govern swelling and damp itching of the genitals, strengthening the ability of male genitalia to have children.

Cnidium unblocks and promotes movement in the meridian channels, so Qi and Blood circulation can properly flow through the genital and Kidney Yang areas.”
Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium sagittatum) is a well-known libido and sex drive-enhancer that naturally increases testosterone levels. Another benefit of Horny Goat Weed is its immuno-enhancing effects that can boost Interleukin 2 (IL-2) activity.

For sexually burned-out males with high stress hormones, Horny Goat Weed can modulate and improve both the immune and endocrine systems while boosting erection quality by inducing testosterone. [2]

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