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The Forbidden Fruit – Is Masturbation Shrinking Your Penis?

Too much masturbation may not give you hairy palms, but it may shrink your penis, and that is a far worse fate. Learn the facts, and find out how you can take control of the situation.

Case #: 859


Several years ago I started masturbating (around the age of 22, I am now 25.5). I loved it so much I would frequently masturbate 3-4 times per day, sometimes in immediate succession. About a year later I noticed that my flaccid girth was a little less. Two months later, I noticed that my penis was smaller in the flaccid state significantly (both length and girth). My erect length was the same but my girth was decreased horrifically. I went from maybe a 5.3-5.5 inch girth to a 4.4-4.5 (I lost an inch of girth!). This has demoralized me and I don't know what to do.


Yes, masturbation is a cruel piece of forbidden fruit. I'm not saying that all masturbation is bad, but you certainly have to be careful. Once you discover how relaxing and satisfying it is, why wouldn't you want to do it all the time? It sends pulses of euphoria throughout your body and even helps you to forget your problems, if only for a brief moment in time. But perhaps I should stop right there. I feel like I'm describing the wonders of tobacco to someone who's trying to quit smoking.

So let's get to the science of it all. You're losing penis size because—among other things—all of that masturbation is putting tremendous stress on your liver. As a result, your body is not able to produce an adequate amount of human growth hormone (HGH). HGH is responsible for producing and replenishing penile tissue, and once that hormone starts to diminish, your penis starts to shrivel like the raisin that desperately wanted to be a grape.

Masturbation – It's All Fun and Games Until Somebody Loses a Penis

Excess masturbation has consequences, and if you want to restore your girth, you need to start by taking control of this compulsion. It's not easy, but if you fail to heed this warning, the problem will only get worse, and you may ultimately discover that size is the least of your worries.

Years of excess masturbation can lead to prostate inflammation, weak erections, ejaculatory problems, penis pain, back aches and even blurred vision. Talk about having a vengeful penis. Seek professional help if you must; just do whatever it takes.

The Herbal Solution

When you stop masturbating compulsively, you should begin to notice improvements in your size and girth. If you really want to see results, though, I would advise taking some natural herbs to help nature along. (TRY: Herbal Remedy for Penile Regrowth) For instance, Cistanche has been shown to improve blood circulation to the penis, while Cuscuta improves the production of nitric oxide, resulting in the kinds of rock-hard erections that stretch the penis to its full capacity. Fo-Ti, Deer Antler and Ginseng are also immensely helpful for restoring size, girth and firmness. Remember, herbal remedies are not a substitute for masturbatory moderation, but they can certainly help in your effort to restore your manhood. So stand firm, both literally and figuratively, and maximize your size.

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Views: 174

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59255

[Comments -]
Hayden Kuhn
11/19/2023 5:45:00 PM
Masturbating 3-4 times a day must mean that these men have some good refractory periods. I know that when I have sex or masturbate now it is sometimes really hard to muster up the strength to just go for a second try, and I can't even imagine 3 times in 1 day.

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