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Oh, the Sweet Taste of Revenge: He’s Getting Back at His Cheating Girlfriend by Correcting His PE and Ending the Relationship

His girlfriend claims she cheated because he comes too quickly in bed. She accused him of being able to last only five minutes just a week before her confessed infidelity. He’s no longer interested in maintaining the relationship, but he does want to improve his sexual stamina so that when he tells her good bye, he knows in his mind what she’s going to miss.
Case #: 2062

Here’s a story you might appreciate. My girlfriend cheated on me because I prematurely ejaculate. I didn’t even know we had a problem until the night she told me I sucked in bed. When I asked why, she said, “You can’t last longer than five minutes. I can get myself off more than you can.” As if that didn’t hurt enough, a week later she knocked on my door and, when I let her in, burst into tears. She confessed she’d cheated because she wanted to experience a real man in bed. Now I want to boost my sexual stamina so I can tell her good bye – and meet the woman of my dreams.

It’s hard to keep your composure when a partner admits to infidelity. We don’t know what you said in response to your girlfriend, but we can imagine you’re hurt pretty badly. The thing is that blaming premature ejaculation for cheating is, well, an excuse. Here’s why.
A Matter of Perception

If you do your research on premature ejaculation (PE), you’ll find it’s a problem of perception. What one person perceives to be premature ejaculation may be perfectly fine to another. In other words, no medical parameters exist to define how long a man should be able to stave off orgasm.
You thought your relationship was safe because your girlfriend gave you no reason to believe otherwise. That’s the problem with premature ejaculation – if sex satisfies you, and your partner doesn’t speak up, it’s only natural to assume your performance is perfectly adequate.
Details of a Common Disorder

Early ejaculation, as some people prefer to call PE, is labeled the most common sexual problem among young men. It is marked by displeasure with sex, namely displeasure with how long sex lasts. Trying to place a timer on lovemaking is impossible: sometimes a couple needs a rowdy, rapid jaunt, and other times they want slow and sensual sex that last long into the night. But other factors must also be considered when looking at time: how long it’s been since the couple last made love, whether or not one partner is tired and if either or both has been drinking.
Young men commonly grapple with PE because of anxiety – they want the sexual experience to be great, but it’s hard to deal with that kind of pressure. It takes the mind away from the current moment and forces it into a place of worry. You’re therefore left with early ejaculation because you can’t enjoy anything you feel – you’re just rushing to reach the end.
The other major cause of PE is oversensitive glans near the head of the penis. This area is naturally sensitive – hence the pleasure of sex – but some men experience too much sensitivity. Whether you consider this a good or bad trait, it does contribute to rapid ejaculation. Sex feels so pleasurable you can’t prevent orgasm.
In very few cases is PE the result of anatomical problems, so don’t feel like something is wrong with your manhood. As we already said, men under 40 commonly experience PE. The important thing is to treat it now so it doesn’t turn into a lifelong preoccupation with performance.
A Manly Technique for PE

To treat PE, you probably imagine complicated surgeries or uncomfortable devices worn around your penis. But we have good news: neither of these is necessary to give you long and pleasurable sexual stamina. In fact, symptoms can be eased with the gentle technique of reflexology. (TRY: Reflexology for Premature Ejaculation Relief)
Reflexology has been used for thousands of years to treat many different ailments. It works on the premise that trigger points in hands, feet and other body parts correlate to major tissues and organs. Penis health, for instance, can be improved by hitting the trigger points for pituitary, adrenal and pineal glands. Each of these is responsible for balancing chemicals in the body necessary for processing stress, inducing sleep and responding to sexual stimulation.
Because the trigger points we mentioned are in the feet, reflexology can be performed in the comfort of your home. You don’t need a particular type of massage, although using a device like a golf ball will help you hit the right trigger points with the right motions. So relax and enjoy simple rubbing – you’ll never again come too quickly.

What to do

Reflexology Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

Reflexology stimulates the nervous system, blood flow, and organs of the body through trigger points that congregate in the hands and feet. Applying pressure to these specific locations can alleviate premautre ejaculation symtpoms

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Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 62106

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