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My Sex Life Is In Dire Need Of A Serious Jolt!

Are you looking to sprinkle a little more spice onto your sex life? Has doing it with your spouse become just, “Alright?” Well I've got an electrifying bit of spice for you!
Case #: 1913

I fear that my husband is no longer interested in having sex with me. The last few times that we've done it, he's either gone limp right in the middle of making love, or it just takes him forever to get hard. How do I get him interested in desiring me again?

Firstly, I would definitely have some kind of conversation with my spouse about what's really going on in our relationship. Male impotence or erectile dysfunction is actually a lot more common than some may think. Most likely, whatever he is dealing with personally has little to do with him no longer finding you desirable.
It's Not You, It's Me

Erectile dysfunction has many causes including, but not limited to; Drug and alcohol use, an adverse reaction to antidepressants, age, and diabetes. Not to mention a plethora of emotional issues that might be the ultimate mood killer.
However, the number one erection deflectable is stress. We all have to deal with it, and for some men it really shows up in their ability to hold an erection throughout the typical session of intercourse.
You And I

Most likely, plain old stress is where your husband's real problem stems from. And in that case, getting him back in the saddle will be easy as pie. When it comes to crazy sexy moves and interesting looking adult toys, the possibilities are endless, but all of those possibilities can feel a little overwhelming.
One of the best tools to have in your sex-injected arsenal is the cock ring. More specifically, a vibrating cock ring. A vibrating ring is great for men who have trouble with weak erections, because of how they increase blood circulation within the penis.
Once the ring is safely secured around the base of an erect penis, it will trap the blood that has collected within the chambers of the shaft. That blood will then be held there in the genitals, and circulate within the confines of the penis. Not only will the ring keep your husband harder longer, it will also intensify the sensitivity of the penis.
Pump Up The Vibe

A vibrating ring will also benefit you greatly, because of the intense pleasure it provides for a man's female counterpart. The best way to get the most bang for your buck with a vibrating ring is to get up and on.
Once you have secured the ring at the base of your partner's shaft, try straddling his hips while he lays down. In the frontward facing cowgirl position, gently lean forward so that your clitoris is grinding against the vibrating ring bullet, and make sure you set the pace. For an even more satisfying ride, try using a dual vibrations cock ring and experiment with the positioning of the bullets. (SEE: Dual Cock Rings for Dual Pleasure)

What to do

Dual Cock Rings Guide - Double The Pleasure, Double The Stimulation
Randy and Jen were entering their late 40s.

[More Details +]

Views: 217

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 59404

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