The Magic Disappearing/Reappearing Stink
Daily showers only deal with the terrible stink for a short period before it comes back, worse than ever. What has happened? More importantly, how can he fix it? Read on, get the facts and find out!
Case #: 1650
I am 21 years old and I have been dealing with my problem for almost 5 years. It all started with a bad smell, even after taking a shower everyday. The shower will help, but only for a short period. A couple of hours later the smell will be back and my penis starts really smelling. Please help me someone.
The human body, despite centuries of study and the bewildering array of new tools designed to explore it as never before, still contains many mysteries. Science can't explain why we yawn, for example, nor do we have any clue as to how the placebo effect works. Fortunately, a vile stench from your penis is no longer among those unanswerable questions. Go ahead and scrub it down with soap and warm water to reduce the distraction, and let's find out what's going on down there.
Simple Ingredients, Vile Stew
The problem lies in how your skin works. The stuff is reasonably strong, very flexible, and has a lot of “snap back” during most of your life, and it can also repair itself within certain limits. The secret to the self-healing trick, along with how it blocks most pathogens from getting into the nutrient-rich bloodstream, is based on constant regeneration. Every eight weeks or so, the entire mass of skin (about 8-10 pounds for the average human) is completely renewed; every single cell has gone through its entire lifecycle and been replaced by a successor cell. For the vast majority of your skin, these cells simply fall off and become dust. But in places like your navel or the surface of your glans, where skin is often pressed against more skin, the dust has nowhere to go, and accumulates like the gunk in your sink's grease trap.
What's gunk to you is a veritable feast for certain microorganisms like yeasts (a form of fungus). They consume that buildup of dead skin-cells, which contain all manner of nutrients. Add in an environment that usually stays at a constant temperature and humidity AND which rarely if ever sees sunlight for any length of time, and you get a yeast cell's idea of heaven... but it stinks like hell to you.
Make It Disappear For Good
The yeasts have embedded themselves very deeply into the parts of your penis where you have trouble reaching from the outside: the folds of skin at the base of your glans and at the entrance to your urethra. You can scrub the base of your glans, thoroughly and regularly, to keep the smell down. Please bear in mind that scrubbing the skin raw may make the stink even worse, so try not to scrub too hard.
Externally cleansing the urethra is possible but usually quite unpleasant. You have to decide whether cleaning it daily is more acceptable than a vile stench from your penis.
You can improve your odds, as well as speed up the process, by using an all-natural herbal supplement, designed specifically to address the root causes of the odor. (SEE: Herbal Blend For Foul Penis Smell) Aside from the buildup of dead skin-cells, these causes also include correcting any imbalances to the chemical makeup of your prostatic fluids.
By attacking the infection from the outside inward (daily hygiene practices), at the same time as you attack it from the inside outward with the supplement, you will eliminate the terrible scent once and for all. Good luck!
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