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Water Play Leads To Dry Penis Skin?

A creative guy seized the moment and masturbated in the shower, with soap as the lubricant. He didn't wash the soap off for a while, which may have dried the skin on and around his penis a lot. What has he done to himself? And more importantly, how can he fix it? Read on, get the facts and find out!

Case #: 1670


The other day when I was in the shower I decided to masturbate with soap and water as a lubricant and while I had my back to the water I let the soap dry on my penis. I didn't think much about the dry soap on my penis and now after a couple of days my skin feels really weird, rough and dry. It doesn't really itch or look bad but I can feel the dryness. I want to know what to do. Can you please help me?


A little creativity and initiative can lead to wonderful surprises in the bedroom. For those of us who lack partners, there are still opportunities to experiment with new sensations. Given the benefits accrued from a daily hygiene regimen, it's also logical to assume that most of us will find ourselves in the shower or bath on a regular basis. Making bathtime “even more fun”, therefore, is something we would expect to happen regularly. However, there is a reason why we often hear the phrase “art AND craft”. You may come up with an idea for an amazingly satisfying act of self-pleasuring. But you need to know how to do it safely, in order to prevent injury.

Know Your Tools And Limits

Your skin consists of four or five layers of tissue that includes a lot of water, as well as several oils to help keep a proper balance of water in any given amount of skin. The stuff is amazingly flexible and durable. It has to be, since it has to serve the triple purpose of keeping your insides... well, inside... of you, protect them from infection and maintain your freedom of movement. The secret of how it manages all of these tasks is constant renewal; over the course of eight weeks or so, every last square inch of your skin gets replaced by brand-new skin-cells from the bottom-most layer, a little at a time. The used-up and dead cells normally slough off in very tiny pieces that become dust.

Washing away these dead skin cells on a regular basis is a very important part of personal hygiene. However, too much is still too much. Hotter-than-necessary water can sting and dry the skin, while scalding water can burn or blister you and dry it out even more. Excessive soap-use can remove natural oils necessary to maintain skin's suppleness, as can laundry detergent residue remaining in clothing. Scrubbing your skin until it gets raw, or masturbating to the point of chafing, can lead to dryness. And certain STDs produce dry skin as a symptom.

Keep It Soft And Healthy (Your Skin, That Is)

Cracks in your skin can be as hazardous to your health as open wounds, because that is almost exactly what they are. Such things can be bad enough when they're on your hands or feet, since not using any of those limbs can lead to considerable inconvenience. When it's on your penis, with all the sensitive nerve connections running throughout it, it can be incredibly irritating.

So make a point of keeping it all clean, but moist. You don't have to give up hot water entirely, but you turning the temperature down just a little may make a big difference in the condition of your skin. Use moisturizer with Shea Butter every time you wash, whether it's your hands or your penis. If you notice persistently dry or cracked skin on your penis, check with your health-care provider and get tested for an STD.

You might also consider using a skin moisturizer specifically designed for use on your penis. (TRY: Penile Creams for Dryness Relief and Comfort) Note that in most cases you can use the products as lubricants during sex, but they do NOT contain spermicide.

An man and an artist both know to keep their tools clean and in tip-top shape. Think of these products in the same way you use protective grease for your chainsaw, or the turpentine for the paintbrushes you used for the wood-stain on your hand-built decking. Take care of them all, and they'll get the job done. Good luck!

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Views: 155

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 61343

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