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Stretching – Great for Yoga, Bad for Penis Enlargement

Have you attempted to enlarge your penis through stretching exercises? It's temping to try and add inches by any means necessary, but penis stretching may leave you weak between the knees. Learn the awful truth about these dangerous exercises.
Case #: 529

I have a serious problem. I followed a penile enlargement routine but I overdid it with the stretching of the penis. I performed the downward stretch for too long and with extreme pressure. The next day it was impossible to get an erection.

After 2 weeks I was able to achieve an erection but it was hard to keep it and the erection angle was not like before. The penis points out a few degrees downward. 2 months passed and I still have problems to achieve full erection, keep my full erection and the biggest problem is that the erection angle is down.
Several times I achieved a full erection but the angle is still downward! I noticed also another thing -- when my penis is in a flaccid state it looks bigger than before, I think that I lost a certain part of my sensitivity in the penis. Is it possible that I damaged my suspensor ligament?
I visited an urologist and he said that the suspensor ligament is not torn, but I think that probably it is stretched to some abnormal extent and it is now impossible or difficult to recover.
I'm guessing you spent some time on the Internet, researching techniques for enlarging your penis. Unfortunately, the Internet is the Mecca of bad ideas. The World Wide Web has taught us how to burn our own skin using salt and ice, and how to use vodka-dipped tampons as suppositories.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: One man tried penis exercises, and he found little success. If you’ve tried exercises to enlarge your penis, find out the negative side effects and learn how to obtain enlargement. If you have a question on stretches or enlargement, feel free to message our experts or leave your comment for them below.
Your Solution: Penis Trauma & Injury Herbal Erection Treatment
Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview
Your Penis – Not a Rubber Band

Penile tissue is extremely sensitive. Based on what you've described, it sounds like you damaged the superior side of the tunica albuginea, a penile covering that is directly involved in maintaining an erection. Scar tissue has formed along the damaged area, causing your abnormal curvature.
The condition is known as Peyronie's Disease, and it effects about one in every 20 men.
But don't let the name scare you. There are herbs that we can use to get the condition under control. First and foremost, lay off the penis-stretching exercises. If you've ever been hit in the groin with a football, you know just how sensitive your genitals are, so it's very important not to subject them to voluntary abuse. After all, your penis has been very good to you over the years.
Let the Healing Begin

Truth be told, much of that scar tissue will be with you for the rest of your life. However, you can still enjoy a healthy sex life with the help of a little penile TLC. For instance, deer antler restores damaged tissue, while cuscuta can be used to improve the quality of your erections.
I would recommend that you try an herbal solution to fix your injured & curved penis and see how it improves the quality of your erections. Take it easy on the masturbation for a while, and if you really need to stretch something, learn how to make balloon animals.

What to do

Penis Trauma & Injury Herbal Erection Treatment

Improve your erectile strength damaged by severed nerve endings and injured tissue.

[More Details +]

Views: 198

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement, Penis Pain & Injury, Peyronie's Disease

Blog ID: 60778

[Comments -]
11/19/2023 5:43:00 PM
Honey, calm down. When I was a little younger than yourself, my then-boyfriend and I had a similar scare. You’ve definitely done some damage to the blood-holding chamber of your penis, and maybe ruptured a few blood vessels as well, but it’s nothing that can’t be fixed. Just like any other hematoma, it’s a good idea to ice it as soon as possible—15 on, 15 off. You should also pop a couple ibuprofen to bring down the swelling and help fight inflammation. Right now, you can’t achieve an erection due to the bruising process. You’ll need to see how everything is working in a few days.

Then comes the healing process. You’ll be lucky if the icing and ibuprofen cuts down on the scar tissue; if you didn’t get to it in time, it’s likely that you’ve blocked some of the feeder blood vessels to your penis. Scar tissue is B-A-D bad news for proper penile function—if you find you’re still having problems with erections, you’ll need to start a supplement designed to remove scar tissue from the penis. It’s always a good idea to engage in light exercise, as this helps with blood flow, both to remove the buildup, and to help reestablish a healthy hard-on. I’m sure your penis isn’t damaged beyond repair, but let this be a lesson to both of you—keep an eye on her hands at all times!
Wilmer Almond
11/19/2023 5:43:00 PM
i think my girlfriend broke my cock! we were just playing around, and she loves to bend it backwards and watch it “spring” back when i’m hard, she says it turns her on and it feels good to have her messing around with it, usually! but last night, she accidentally twisted or jerked it while she was pulling on it and it hurt so bad i screamed! my gf teased me at the time, but today i woke up with a bruise, feeling really sore, and i can’t get hard.

i’m just 19, we’re just 2 young, dumb kids messing around! i don’t want to have my penis jacked up for life! right now i’m so worried that i’ll never get hard again. i want to go to the doctor, but i’m too embarrassed, and i hope the problem will just go away on its own. my gf feels really bad too, she said maybe we should put some ice on it or something, but i don’t want to do even more damage! who knows what ice will do to my cock! somebody please help!
Roman Love
11/19/2023 5:43:00 PM
I, too, damaged my penis at one point during my youth, although it was less due to a desire for a larger package, and more due to overzealous manual application, if you know what I mean. For a long time, my penis bent in a distinctly “boomerang-shaped” way, and I had to explain to every woman I slept with that, no, I wasn’t born this way, that it was something of my own creation. Eventually, I was tired of the embarrassment, and sometimes women even complained that the shape of my penis hurt them during sex. I looked into other options, and found a solution on this site, the very herbal remedy suggested by this author. I began taking it, and vigorously abstained from any sort of sex or onanism for about 3 months (impressed? You should be.)

However, at the end of that time, my curvature had markedly decreased. It had been so long since my penis was a normal shape, that I had almost forgotten how nice it is to see a normal-looking penis when you’re about to get intimate with a woman, instead of some bizarre, bent thing. It also seemed to me that my erection was firmer than before, but that might have had psychological reasons behind it. At any rate, the Penis Trauma and Injury Herbal Formula definitely did the trick for me, and I’m sure it can help out any man who has thus injured himself.
Bigger Penis
11/19/2023 5:43:00 PM
A typical recommended exercise is a fast and repeated pulling of flaccid penis to eventually improve size. Users are only cautioned to avoid too much of this exercise. Over-exercise can lead to muscle wear and tear. If this is performed properly and not too forcefully, it can not only improve the size but also the health and the person's association with his male organ. The physiologic outcomes may not be as apparent but have less probability to engender problems. Psychologically, this method allows the person to believe he is managing his personal issues about his own manly dilemma.

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