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Instant Ejaculations

He suffers from premature ejaculation caused by little to no stimulation.

Case #: 363


I am 28-years old and have a serious premature ejaculation problem. Most men ejaculate due to lots of stimulation. I ejaculate to the slightest stimulation. Couples kissing on television cause me to ejaculate. Kissing a girl causes me to ejaculate. Even the slightest hug from an attractive woman causes me to ejaculate.

My problem has gotten so bad that I’ve had to speak to doctors. I’ve visited dozens of websites. Heck, I’ve even consulted with a sex therapist. Still, my instant ejaculations continue to assail my manhood. Because of this problem, I am fearful of having sex with my current girlfriend. Please, what should I do?


You poor, poor soul. Ejaculations caused by little to no stimulation stem from a psychological issue rather than a physical one. The mind is a powerful tool; however, sometimes, its powers are used against an individual’s wishes. You can control your ejaculations, but it will take time and patience.

Spontaneous Ejaculations
Some women suffer from a rare condition known as spontaneous orgasms. Women can be riding in a car, riding a horse, or even brushing their teeth and feel the euphoric sensation of an orgasm. While the condition rare, it does occur to some women—and even men. In your case, the condition seems similar. Any type of stimulation causes you to orgasm, which leads to a bevy of ruined underwear.

Mind-Driven Ejaculations
Ejaculations do not occur spontaneously. No, bodily chemicals, such as neurotransmitters, hormones, and never signals, work in unison to stimulate the penis for an ejaculation. Except in your case, these bodily chemicals work a bit faster. Your ejaculations seem to occur at random because of the low levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and acetylcholine in the brain. Low levels aside, severe abrasions of the prostate ejaculation duct caused by over-masturbation seem to intensify the problem.

Control Your Serotonin Levels, Control Your Ejaculations
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for making individuals feel happy. However, the hormone too controls sleep, appetite, and mood. Since you suffer from spontaneous, almost uncontrollable ejaculations, you must elevate your serotonin levels. Doing so may require all-natural supplements, such as Cong Rong Cistanche Kidney Male Last Longer Solution to help elevate your serotonin and acetylcholine levels. Aside from all-natural supplements, you too can practice the Anal Breathing Method to recycle your sexual energy. This technique will take time and patience to master, but it will help stymie those unwanted ejaculation desires.

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Views: 159

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59601

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