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Where oh Where Can My Semen Be – Masturbation and Low Sperm Count

Sexual exhaustion won't just make sex difficult; it can actually lower your sperm count. Learn the startling facts, and see how you can restore your sexual vigor.

Case #: 1476


After reading through the website and the hundreds of articles and case studies I have realized that I have some symptoms due to over masturbation. I am 37 years old and my problem is that I can only achieve orgasms through masturbation or from oral sex from my girlfriend and not from vaginal intercourse. There is only one area in my penis that has any sensation. Can I do something about this? I want to understand my problem and be able to fix it but I just couldn't find the right information for my specific case.


If you can't achieve orgasm while penetrating a vagina, there may be one of two of things going on: 1) you prefer men (as Jerry Seinfeld would say, “Not that there's anything wrong with that”), or 2) You're dealing with some kind of sexual dysfunction (I'm going to assume that this is the case). Based on the combination of orgasm difficulty and limited sensitivity, I'm going to make the educated guess that you're suffering from sexual exhaustion, and you probably have low sperm count to boot. It's like your few American soldiers are ready for battle, but they're vastly outnumbered by the British Red Coats (ask your history teacher).

What is Sexual Exhaustion?

If you've read the case studies on this website, you probably already have some familiar with the evils of sexual exhaustion. Well, it's not so much evil as it is depressing. Your excessive masturbation has depleted essential growth factors while overworking your prostate and damaging nerves and tissues. To use another metaphor, if you jump on the bed too much, eventually it's going to break. When you constantly shake your penis like a magic 8 ball, you end up with too much DHT, not enough HGH, and a reproductive system that simply lacks vigor.

Where Does Low Sperm Count Weigh In?

Low sperm count is a natural consequence of sexual exhaustion. Those hormones and growth factors don't just give you rock hard rock erections (though I'm guessing you're also suffering in the erection department); they also maintain a healthy sperm count and semen flow. When sexual exhaustion sets in, your sperm count inevitably takes a nosedive. That's why it's so important to masturbate in moderation, no matter how sexy that new Victoria's Secret ad happens to be.

Aside from Masturbation Moderation

Obviously you'll want to scale back on the self-love, but there are other things that you can do to restore your sperm count and improve your sex life. Most importantly, I'm going to recommend an herbal formula designed for sexual exhaustion. (TRY: Natural Formula for Increased Semen Volume & Male Fertility) With a combination of Avena Sativa, Cistanche, Saw Palmetto and similar botanicals, you can improve the quality of your orgasm, intensify your virility, and restore your optimal sexual function. Before long, you should start to feel like your old self, and if nothing else, it will give your girlfriend's mouth a much-welcomed break.

What to do

Walking Sperm Bank - Natural Ways To Increase Male Fertility & Semen Volume

This remedy has been enhanced to improve fertility for men with low sperm count, watery semen and altered testicular health while strengthening the ejaculatory valve.

[More Details +]

Views: 188

Ideas: Men's, Male Infertility

Blog ID: 60876

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