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Not So Fast–The Real Story Behind Premature Ejaculation

A lifetime of masturbation left him with premature ejaculation,low sperm count and even ringing ears.Hear one man's troubling story,and learn precisely why excess masturbation is so dangerous.



I started masturbating at like the age of 6.Because of that I can't hold full erections for too long.I am very nervous and have to frequently urinate.I also have ringing ears all the time with a really low sperm count.My biggest problem is premature ejaculation which I suffer from during sex and masturbation.Is there any way to stop my premature ejaculation?


At 6 years old,you should be playing with G.I.Joes and Ninja Turtles...not your penis.Research shows that the earlier you start masturbating,the more likely you are to experience sexual dysfunction during and after adolescence.Unfortunately,masturbation isn't like turning on a faucet and receiving an unlimited supply of water.Your sex organs are far more complicated than that,and your stream requires much more than just a path to the sewer.It requires a healthy dose of hormones and neurotransmitters,along with a healthy functioning prostate.If any one of these components is out of alignment,your penis may start glitching worse than Windows Vista.

A Delicate Balance

Testosterone,DHEA,nitric oxide,acetylcholine,dopamine,serotonin.What do these chemicals have in common?A number of things,actually.They're all necessary for a healthy sex drive,they can all kill your mojo if depleted,and they're all contained in your semen.In other words,the more you rub the magic lamp,the more you lose these essential chemicals,and the more likely you are to suffer the consequences,which include diminished sex drive,ringing ears and even blurred vision.But it gets even more complicated than that.

Beware of Stress Hormones

As your body becomes deficient in healthy sex hormones,it begins to overproduce inflammatory hormones like DHT and Prostaglandin E-2.Excess stress hormones are largely responsible for prostate inflammation,premature ejaculation and testicle pain.It's like one big domino effect.Fewer good hormones equal more bad hormones,which equals prostate enlargement,which equals sexual dysfunction on a variety of fronts.Who knew that your nether region could be so temperamental?

The Good News

At this point,you're probably pretty annoyed.I mean,I could break down the causes all day and night,but that obviously doesn't make the problem go away.What you want are solutions.So let's set that domino effect in reverse.In order to ease your prostate inflammation,we need to take control of the stress hormones,and in order to quell the stress hormones,we need to restore hormonal balance.If you haven't figured it out,your game plan will need to involve cutting back(okay,way back)on the masturbation.But that's just a small piece of the puzzle.

Herbs for an Ailing Reproductive System

We're dealing with severe sexual exhaustion here,so you'll need to emphasize herbs that address the problem at its source.Herbs like Astragalus Complanatus and Schisandra will improve your erection quality,while herbs like Gardenia and Mucuna Pruriens help to reverse premature ejaculation.I'm going to recommend that you take an herbal concoction containing these and similar ingredients.(TRY:Herbal Natural Remedy for Premature Ejaculation)If you have been masturbating since age 6,your penis is definitely going to need the extra herbal assistance.

What to do

Herbal Nourishing Pills for Ejaculatory Nerves&Premature Ejaculation

Stop premature ejaculation caused by a leaky penis,over masturbation and performance anxiety issues.If you notice your endurance levels declining,it may be time to put a stop to your issues now.

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Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 60629

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