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Improper Tool For His Tool

Experimenting with a massager in his teens, this guy discovered that his penis shrank and stayed that way. Now that he's trying to have a baby and can't manage. What happened? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do if his problem sounds familiar.

Case #: 931


When I was about 15 I used a vibrating massager on my penis. I used it about 6 times and then my penis shrank really small. I am now 33. When it’s soft it’s about a inch and a half and when it's hard it's about 5 inches. Now my wife and I try to have a baby and no luck. Is there anything I can use to get my penis back to normal size or is it too late because I waited too long?


There's an amazing variety of devices out there designed for sexual pleasure, and there have been for many thousands of years. Some are fairly simple, some are staggeringly complex, but all of them carry some risk.

Tool Slipped?

Unfortunately, you can't always tell immediately that something has gone wrong, or how it might relate to your “toy” usage.

Examining The Materials

The most obvious part of your erection appears when your corpus cavernosum becomes engorged with blood; underneath that, your corpus spongiosum also stiffens to keep your urethra open until you either ejaculate or your erection relaxes. Both tissues are filled with very spongy material that holds the blood under high pressure as it's pumped into them, and then squeezes it back out when you're finished. Decreases in penis size can come from damage to these tissues, decreasing the total volume of blood they can hold.

There are other possible causes for your persistent disappointing size. Your erection just the visible part of a complicated, cascading series of hormonal and neurological events. If anything happens out of sequence, or if some of the hormones are too far out of proportion, your sexual experience may become less than it should be. It is possible that your massager use threw your hormonal systems off-kilter, though that should have corrected itself some time ago.

It is also possible that you have sustained persistent damage to some small but vital nerve or series of same in your genital area; given the fact that you can achieve and sustain an erection, this damage may not be severe enough for immediate concern.

For the time being, let's focus on the tissue damage.

Preparing to Repair

You should speak to your health-care provider about your problem, if for no other reason than to get a professional's opinion and an expert to monitor your progress as you address the issue. While there are several complex and expensive options, such as surgery or prescription medications, you might wish to start with an all-natural herbal supplement designed to assist your body in repairing the damage to the tissues. (TRY: Penile Tissue Rejuvenation Remedy) If you have unseen collagen (scar-tissue) built up inside your blood vessels, this formula will help dissolve it safely. It will also provide additional nutrients for your body to use in manufacturing various hormones to assist in lengthening and widening your penis. Combined with proper application of the Penile Girth Growth Technique and patience, you should see significant results in as little as 8 weeks.

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Views: 149

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 58876

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